Aerial Video Clips - Many taken near geocaching locations

Geocachers with the Most Geocaches Found
or Geocachers with Over 200 Caches Hidden
Ordered by Least Hides

Contact me If you know of a Geocacher that has hidden more than 200 caches.
 Row Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
1 Fat-Red 44411 50 44461
1 Å vejkovic 31759 50 31809
1 ehrbahn 29535 50 29585
1 Team WilP 26870 50 26920
1 Wandering Druid 25431 50 25481
1 cookie_cacher 24153 50 24203
1 Vechtecacher77 23667 50 23717
1 kapitaenchaos 22252 50 22302
1 holgerhip 20417 50 20467
1 Kampfsternchen1 19161 50 19211
1 Acex44 18000 50 18050
1 Cargoman 17772 50 17822
1 Walkin' Ed 17514 50 17564
1 cybye 17169 50 17219
1 The Bolas Heathens 15258 50 15308
1 Arandur9424 14691 50 14741
1 Barnzy12 14473 50 14523
1 Joe Friday 14311 50 14361
1 monsans 14259 50 14309
1 dkaiser 14046 50 14096
1 Pupkovi 13910 50 13960
1 blackaj 13587 50 13637
1 Isis58 13429 50 13479
1 goblindust 13362 50 13412
1 5entdecker 13241 50 13291
1 DEGoldy 12520 50 12570
1 KölscheRäuber 12441 50 12491
1 Barefoot 12138 50 12188
1 Shadow Chasers 11953 50 12003
1 evian57 11926 50 11976
1 elgybe 11816 50 11866
1 shorttripp 11674 50 11724
1 firerabbit_ 11633 50 11683
1 GameForTravel 11355 50 11405
1 Papa EGTH 11138 50 11188
1 EwRe 10720 50 10770
1 Black_Island 10696 50 10746
1 Kris&Co 10632 50 10682
1 oluffar 10609 50 10659
1 englishpete 10510 50 10560
1 Mouchikai 10446 50 10496
1 Ten Miles Max 10351 50 10401
1 termite2712 10193 50 10243
1 TGL, 10075 50 10125
1 brilang 9932 50 9982
1 PhatBldGuy 9874 50 9924
1 RumRunner1 9686 50 9736
1 OskarÃ… 9613 50 9663
1 -Vo- 9516 50 9566
1 Lunik 9403 50 9453
1 Pete_P 9365 50 9415
1 Bikely & Wifely 9113 50 9163
1 Azra3l 9052 50 9102
1 Williams Welsh Walks 8860 50 8910
1 paddle chick 8668 50 8718
1 Stonehorse 8554 50 8604
1 Uncle Fuzzy 8379 50 8429
1 seekandsail 8374 50 8424
1 jfindit 8335 50 8385
1 ventrejaune 8133 50 8183
1 ghost9mm 8047 50 8097
1 Wickan 7938 50 7988
1 Sterling-Cache 7910 50 7960
1 GG-White 7620 50 7670
1 JohnMac56 7596 50 7646
1 Rross1973 7577 50 7627
1 velo66 7562 50 7612
1 Stoerenfried 7466 50 7516
1 Team Jacobsen 7389 50 7439
1 boringgirl 7119 50 7169
1 2 Erdmännchen 7092 50 7142
1 Blue_Eagle 7089 50 7139
1 canuck thistles 7015 50 7065
1 smee in mt 7012 50 7062
1 seelendoc 7009 50 7059
1 Team_State 6774 50 6824
1 ramirez_ 6738 50 6788
1 Paulus85q 6702 50 6752
1 Komet_GPS_free 6572 50 6622
1 TheAprilFools 6484 50 6534
1 thomaro67 6474 50 6524
1 Navig8her 6406 50 6456
1 OUT FOR A STROLL 6253 50 6303
1 TheHems 6169 50 6219
1 Team Red Roo 6166 50 6216
1 Crz4gd 6061 50 6111
1 .jpeg 5944 50 5994
1 yoopers 5889 50 5939
1 Kvarndammen 5793 50 5843
1 Dragontree 5787 50 5837
1 GeoHackers 5743 50 5793
1 Border Caz 5717 50 5767
1 hassemarie 5689 50 5739
1 De Tomtommers 5669 50 5719
1 sham69 5652 50 5702
1 Geo-LMP 5622 50 5672
1 graylling 5503 50 5553
1 frenchtart 5460 50 5510
1 Nogs 5450 50 5500
1 SNEEZY 5416 50 5466
1 vmjb99 5318 50 5368
1 pikocke1 5255 50 5305
1 Fragezeichengrisus 5248 50 5298
1 Eddie Robinson 5162 50 5212
1 pbump 5127 50 5177
1 CacheWhisperer 5122 50 5172
1 dflye 5015 50 5065
1 supermeg33 5000 50 5050
1 Eagle Son 4979 50 5029
1 nursematilda 4957 50 5007
1 trafficmaker 4930 50 4980
1 thebeaglers 4846 50 4896
1 Marilyn@StHelens 4796 50 4846
1 rsarich 4789 50 4839
1 Trudy & the beast 4670 50 4720
1 NevaP 4660 50 4710
1 john 4608 50 4658
1 OC Man 4598 50 4648
1 Woodnhead 4545 50 4595
1 pasatho 4513 50 4563
1 seekersearcher 4511 50 4561
1 debaere 4508 50 4558
1 Ham3 4482 50 4532
1 Trail06 4472 50 4522
1 4 the Fun of It 4451 50 4501
1 DaFoosa 4344 50 4394
1 Imyy4u2 4238 50 4288
1 ockys 4174 50 4224
1 Keenan Crew 4144 50 4194
1 Gan Dalf 4143 50 4193
1 20 ver 4115 50 4165
1 Luhni 4095 50 4145
1 SnorreS 4087 50 4137
1 Hase5000 4041 50 4091
1 LooonSong 4006 50 4056
1 SmilingBee 3849 50 3899
1 Bevaren 3813 50 3863
1 growingupisoptional 3773 50 3823
1 kachekat 3762 50 3812
1 Rockley 3628 50 3678
1 pickatree 3598 50 3648
1 Rev Mike 3563 50 3613
1 Pax42 3442 50 3492
1 lindsychris 3359 50 3409
1 Shinook & White Juan 3245 50 3295
1 CANTOR CLAN 3121 50 3171
1 Feldsalat 3000 50 3050
1 jeromedax 2881 50 2931
1 4cachtogo09 2819 50 2869
1 Mr.Yuck 2795 50 2845
1 JBzHOW 2776 50 2826
1 incrediblemagpie 2776 50 2826
1 zoesbrother 2774 50 2824
1 Nashional 2663 50 2713
1 Barnacle Bear 2554 50 2604
1 Cacheosaurus Rex 2453 50 2503
1 The Shady Lady 2329 50 2379
1 3 G's 2324 50 2374
1 GeoWomyn_SF_CA 2317 50 2367
1 ftomar 2281 50 2331
1 the1acwright 2260 50 2310
1 HawMorFords 2252 50 2302
1 monet37 2206 50 2256
1 WestSideDaddy 2146 50 2196
1 old jeepers 2126 50 2176
1 Doh!mofo 1918 50 1968
1 AngelPick 1844 50 1894
1 gabbytabby 1811 50 1861
1 Princess Daisies 1773 50 1823
1 SirVesa 1626 50 1676
1 weirdharold 1577 50 1627
1 Slytherin 1396 50 1446
1 TeamTettamanti 1305 50 1355
174 eikenhofjes 41474 51 41525
174 brewman65 37854 51 37905
174 Sobo 34279 51 34330
174 geocacherscott 33078 51 33129
174 lucy~ 23846 51 23897
174 karenb52 23354 51 23405
174 popfex 21704 51 21755
174 Krösa 20961 51 21012
174 2versus1 20247 51 20298
174 Roadrunner86 20137 51 20188
174 Jeffdo Team 19794 51 19845
174 Cachewürmer 19387 51 19438
174 KateBum 18880 51 18931
174 mcmeunier 18757 51 18808
174 Lacknothing 18743 51 18794
174 david&diana 18708 51 18759
174 Facedances 17901 51 17952
174 zh9 16773 51 16824
174 BinderyGuy 15884 51 15935
174 Schlipsopi 14436 51 14487
174 Team Gewei 14420 51 14471
174 Eki&Sahle 14026 51 14077
174 Aldocandy 13950 51 14001
174 bmps2003 13360 51 13411
174 rockn'roll 13110 51 13161
174 shapeshifter79 13061 51 13112
174 sywy 12906 51 12957
174 DMPB 12598 51 12649
174 marengo49068 12308 51 12359
174 bi52 12018 51 12069
174 Corfman Clan 11851 51 11902
174 LadyH 11625 51 11676
174 niebustgaard 11615 51 11666
174 racnla 11520 51 11571
174 nightrider62 11246 51 11297
174 cbasd 11211 51 11262
174 noto45 10972 51 11023
174 horser 10939 51 10990
174 Iris & Harry 10166 51 10217
174 Astartus 10114 51 10165
174 D1k74 10080 51 10131
174 GC4me 9940 51 9991
174 smstext 9908 51 9959
174 Ove.J 9809 51 9860
174 mapa8387 9795 51 9846
174 40 9643 51 9694
174 klonx 9576 51 9627
174 Box Teddies 9492 51 9543
174 Powersearcher 9096 51 9147
174 Furcas 8762 51 8813
174 skapo 8693 51 8744
174 Sir & Lady Lannies 8600 51 8651
174 Bitte ein Bit 8577 51 8628
174 Joe Wessels 8574 51 8625
174 spottydotty59 8271 51 8322
174 Spürnasen-Abtei 8259 51 8310
174 freaky frog 8234 51 8285
174 8193 51 8244
174 InDie 8146 51 8197
174 SquirtGunn 8016 51 8067
174 SnowBoat 7581 51 7632
174 NurseB33 7477 51 7528
174 Baumers 7439 51 7490
174 The Leprechauns 7425 51 7476
174 fastflyer 7299 51 7350
174 MHz 7225 51 7276
174 deOOpies 7156 51 7207
174 BIGGIEET_AL 7136 51 7187
174 missionMode 7030 51 7081
174 Swiss Cheese Brain 7004 51 7055
174 webbaeda 6878 51 6929
174 Lacey1961 6766 51 6817
174 eddiethesecond 6653 51 6704
174 kittyposse 6575 51 6626
174 Attila_G 6542 51 6593
174 HowerPower 6512 51 6563
174 bosco7 6503 51 6554
174 2Dee2Dee 6476 51 6527
174 Ji.Pi 6428 51 6479
174 Harmonicboy 6357 51 6408
174 FDPercival 6309 51 6360
174 Team-Wolfpack 6042 51 6093
174 cloud_dog_9 5963 51 6014
174 rubick 5734 51 5785
174 Team Allroad 5605 51 5656
174 Sir Lazaruz 5599 51 5650
174 Odberger 5592 51 5643
174 alsterdrache 5450 51 5501
174 dewikahe 5409 51 5460
174 Fafafive 5331 51 5382
174 ransoren 5309 51 5360
174 SeekerHoisbuettel 5256 51 5307
174 stickinthemud 5219 51 5270
174 Original Red Hen 5204 51 5255
174 jetoma 5178 51 5229
174 L&Mo 5108 51 5159
174 Lostby7 5104 51 5155
174 Ranger Lynn 5077 51 5128
174 Z81 5026 51 5077
174 Mama Cache 4950 51 5001
174 sleck 4930 51 4981
174 Julian95 4762 51 4813
174 ML55 4757 51 4808
174 Reuiler 4701 51 4752
174 Škorpióni 4688 51 4739
174 teddy277 4664 51 4715
174 ccindyy/bubb 4637 51 4688
174 Dark Star 4571 51 4622
174 nowo 4521 51 4572
174 CraigsWorld 4473 51 4524
174 ladefoged 4402 51 4453
174 DSICGEE 4394 51 4445
174 fc_zorro 4210 51 4261
174 Chrelito 4158 51 4209
174 Merel 4059 51 4110
174 JulieWood_Rabat 4048 51 4099
174 mitak 4000 51 4051
174 UberJason 3884 51 3935
174 muchado 3828 51 3879
174 White Mithrandir 3717 51 3768
174 waterlassie 3620 51 3671
174 Wizard1626 3473 51 3524
174 Tailor team 3453 51 3504
174 ScienceCacher 3452 51 3503
174 Jimmy System 3448 51 3499
174 Jefe & The Phoenix 3425 51 3476
174 ceilord 3208 51 3259
174 MT Pool 3133 51 3184
174 Lookout4 3075 51 3126
174 Jashi 3034 51 3085
174 Haitower 2932 51 2983
174 klo25 2912 51 2963
174 Schlappeseppel 2874 51 2925
174 pokernut 2842 51 2893
174 Lucky kesj 2752 51 2803
174 DeweyDoubleD 2568 51 2619
174 Die Himbeeren 2491 51 2542
174 saso_362 2467 51 2518
174 Lepman 2266 51 2317
174 bluegirl 2160 51 2211
174 Florida Sandpiper 2142 51 2193
174 knotmaker 2111 51 2162
174 oldravens 2048 51 2099
174 charrick 2018 51 2069
174 Team_Loki 1901 51 1952
174 Mr. Speedy 1891 51 1942
174 Mr.Explorer3 1887 51 1938
174 W8NC 1743 51 1794
174 4Ps In-A-Pod 1686 51 1737
174 Yamar 1655 51 1706
174 Lumpy77 1595 51 1646
174 Pierre Duquette 1411 51 1462
174 Sax 1392 51 1443
174 Team ColdJazz 1312 51 1363
174 behart43 1278 51 1329
174 Believer 1252 51 1303
330 Beaver Pelt 52337 52 52389
330 PA-20 45361 52 45413
330 esscafe 38081 52 38133
330 Guanacos 34535 52 34587
330 TheTwoMotts 34409 52 34461
330 If 31713 52 31765
330 floaten 24648 52 24700
330 trixxster 23288 52 23340
330 SEEK84 20307 52 20359
330 OldMrZ 19262 52 19314
330 Jannie P 17128 52 17180
330 j2d2 16829 52 16881
330 Tassie Trekkers 16170 52 16222
330 Yeti' 15649 52 15701
330 aaaeng 15608 52 15660
330 tezz03 14498 52 14550
330 WellJointed 14265 52 14317
330 PinkDolphin 13725 52 13777
330 Grumpier99 13244 52 13296
330 condor man 12691 52 12743
330 ecanderson 12571 52 12623
330 grcarlson 11315 52 11367
330 Gokyo44 11274 52 11326
330 Flip279 11120 52 11172
330 Foundinnj 11073 52 11125
330 flip/flop girlz 11054 52 11106
330 samm99 10969 52 11021
330 Potscherben 10872 52 10924
330 TheHarleyRebels 10621 52 10673
330 Fanda199 10323 52 10375
330 airguide 10264 52 10316
330 jcar 10260 52 10312
330 hügelwühler 10244 52 10296
330 sabrwout 9747 52 9799
330 mcjeeper and stukboy 9711 52 9763
330 Tarya 9209 52 9261
330 petegeo 9074 52 9126
330 Deafdillos 8802 52 8854
330 The Jester 8784 52 8836
330 chcomeau 8771 52 8823
330 tozainamboku 8610 52 8662
330 ScubaDoc 8535 52 8587
330 Bubbelfia 8353 52 8405
330 the gator bait four 8163 52 8215
330 Moonmatte 8072 52 8124
330 skootercolumbo 8042 52 8094
330 acimon 8037 52 8089
330 larsemma 8016 52 8068
330 Salamander59 7968 52 8020
330 robb_dogg 7939 52 7991
330 da_ewoks 7847 52 7899
330 O319 7821 52 7873
330 N0WNV 7793 52 7845
330 clatmandu 7636 52 7688
330 WingsAndTales 7613 52 7665
330 HawaiianHairball 7574 52 7626
330 gcsunny 7568 52 7620
330 Gröngöling 7529 52 7581
330 RocketBrewer 7450 52 7502
330 idlegit 7323 52 7375
330 Tanja+Marco 6895 52 6947
330 anharu 6894 52 6946
330 substickers 6857 52 6909
330 Racer57 6840 52 6892
330 CUR1 6785 52 6837
330 SB Junky 6777 52 6829
330 Necki 6720 52 6772
330 Gartenzwergin 6707 52 6759
330 NMgail 6666 52 6718
330 emilierene 6550 52 6602
330 DuoM 6540 52 6592
330 giahe8 6482 52 6534
330 onerod 6421 52 6473
330 sights2c 6329 52 6381
330 Spunky spider 6303 52 6355
330 ruzzelz 6195 52 6247
330 dcmcveigh 6151 52 6203
330 David Santos 87 5915 52 5967
330 iwantino 5829 52 5881
330 HerrNielson 5759 52 5811
330 Jose i Juani 5737 52 5789
330 moparots 5694 52 5746
330 hope4u 5636 52 5688
330 Eye Cache 5462 52 5514
330 Bazhornet 5415 52 5467
330 resqgirl 5330 52 5382
330 hafhas 5224 52 5276
330 coastwise 5130 52 5182
330 gmcsac 5056 52 5108
330 manicgecko 5052 52 5104
330 lazelles 5017 52 5069
330 Don Cerebro 5011 52 5063
330 cycleangela 4833 52 4885
330 CyclingFool 4770 52 4822
330 SFBF 4764 52 4816
330 Kollektivet 4590 52 4642
330 die Kölziger 4584 52 4636
330 charlietd 4578 52 4630
330 ElToro76 4472 52 4524
330 ThingsMismatched 4424 52 4476
330 Nacho Mama 4389 52 4441
330 Walkabout46 4384 52 4436
330 Kartengucker 4369 52 4421
330 AZRiddlers 4367 52 4419
330 4 Pfoten 4338 52 4390
330 Kurdy 4200 52 4252
330 Solvarbo 4193 52 4245
330 waldschrate 4187 52 4239
330 M&M_P 4105 52 4157
330 Harpster68 3975 52 4027
330 Purple_Rain88 3966 52 4018
330 Wolf Grrl 3731 52 3783
330 Golden Ace 3618 52 3670
330 LibDocAbq 3610 52 3662
330 das lange T 3580 52 3632
330 rustyg 3450 52 3502
330 lathama 3313 52 3365
330 jolie002 3096 52 3148
330 The Spindoctors 2602 52 2654
330 Messe 2528 52 2580
330 DrMike67 2499 52 2551
330 pfuman 2466 52 2518
330 Ica 2437 52 2489
330 Sioneva 2336 52 2388
330 ARsearcher 2275 52 2327
330 awatsonclan 2195 52 2247
330 Texas CSI Team 2161 52 2213
330 Team Cabdriver 2140 52 2192
330 Canucanoe 2057 52 2109
330 Team Meister 1950 52 2002
330 NebulousNimrod 1854 52 1906
330 v34 1804 52 1856
330 Ztirnats 1763 52 1815
330 CachingFam 1685 52 1737
330 Olcowboy 1624 52 1676
330 omalyn 1527 52 1579
330 a+b squirrel 1387 52 1439
330 kakkadue 1379 52 1431
330 swissgeocache 1323 52 1375
330 Code_Zero 1278 52 1330
470 trekto 38885 53 38938
470 SnowBirds VT 30594 53 30647
470 LeviSat 30440 53 30493
470 Pibelle 29122 53 29175
470 meriadoc2003 23814 53 23867
470 goldsy 23708 53 23761
470 Corp Of Discovery 22681 53 22734
470 Bechterew 22604 53 22657
470 werner85 20727 53 20780
470 salpal 18094 53 18147
470 Tinkertee 17900 53 17953
470 wiwok 17393 53 17446
470 SolEg 16670 53 16723
470 LanSearch 16093 53 16146
470 Rebel Acts 16047 53 16100
470 simi.schmid 15309 53 15362
470 find waldo 15061 53 15114
470 Büppler Zwerge 14587 53 14640
470 -ktemJohn- 14502 53 14555
470 W8TTS 14418 53 14471
470 windrush 12663 53 12716
470 slydaggy 12629 53 12682
470 mahiniker 11525 53 11578
470 yurrie-currie 11494 53 11547
470 GéoSpyder 11449 53 11502
470 Laxtorp 11400 53 11453
470 kejeko 10989 53 11042
470 poelsi 10987 53 11040
470 shortyknits 10937 53 10990
470 PiratesoftheCarolina 10872 53 10925
470 havela team 10757 53 10810
 No. Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
470 heielk 10640 53 10693
470 HartAmLimit 10357 53 10410
470 HookRN 9995 53 10048
470 Ragge1 9828 53 9881
470 Skoki 9281 53 9334
470 maui&mountainlife 9174 53 9227
470 Grosseface1 9099 53 9152
470 axetowax 9073 53 9126
470 R-L-PAINTER 8902 53 8955
470 Twisters 8770 53 8823
470 Nummer Eins 8633 53 8686
470 BBQT 8577 53 8630
470 Koivula5 8566 53 8619
470 teamhagun 8524 53 8577
470 GR8Cachers 8501 53 8554
470 3MudDogs 8450 53 8503
470 Osik 8341 53 8394
470 CFD29 8148 53 8201
470 Dille87 8055 53 8108
470 rr300tdi 7930 53 7983
470 JBGeo 7867 53 7920
470 a1nnie 7792 53 7845
470 Manitto 7731 53 7784
470 Polerok 7525 53 7578
470 2MMs 7519 53 7572
470 bartrod 7431 53 7484
470 camper248 7329 53 7382
470 seelenliebe 7328 53 7381
470 hidegoseek 6997 53 7050
470 combatnurse2003 6926 53 6979
470 TB28580 6763 53 6816
470 Scrapabella 6720 53 6773
470 steilamseil 6622 53 6675
470 Team Hooligan 6531 53 6584
470 maru563 6530 53 6583
470 Team Webmekka 6517 53 6570
470 trek'r 6502 53 6555
470 3omahakids 6435 53 6488
470 Team Chili Fries 6421 53 6474
470 Leaky Cauldrons 6376 53 6429
470 edvern 6237 53 6290
470 The Bennies 6199 53 6252
470 hibou_D 6162 53 6215
470 minto500 6054 53 6107
470 Micha83 6049 53 6102
470 Delete Me Please 6039 53 6092
470 seehund 6022 53 6075
470 TexasGreg 5965 53 6018
470 sloni12 5955 53 6008
470 Team Peilnase 5772 53 5825
470 Rhinograde 5711 53 5764
470 ~Ninja~ 5681 53 5734
470 #CAJH# 5627 53 5680
470 trag_cachers 5615 53 5668
470 Shadow Cachers 5571 53 5624
470 ycats&ekard 5564 53 5617
470 The GO! Team 5531 53 5584
470 GermanSailor 5530 53 5583
470 adenium 5524 53 5577
470 oceanmaster30 5520 53 5573
470 hdampff + eliott 5504 53 5557
470 Olddeath 5424 53 5477
470 shutle64 5401 53 5454
470 armag 5368 53 5421
470 JW72 5357 53 5410
470 TeamCacheHit 5355 53 5408
470 Schlurie 5314 53 5367
470 saverne 5137 53 5190
470 Thefogheads 5109 53 5162
470 Mipaju 5081 53 5134
470 jacobsedk 4821 53 4874
470 Bernie The Geocacher 4792 53 4845
470 TeresaAndTooly 4668 53 4721
470 Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking 4612 53 4665
470 cook cachers 4498 53 4551
470 fozzmiester 4483 53 4536
470 stonefielders 4442 53 4495
470 Paine 4415 53 4468
470 Cheesestick 4395 53 4448
470 punk7242 4195 53 4248
470 29328rolf 4116 53 4169
470 CRKAT 4106 53 4159
470 poolump 4088 53 4141
470 TF135 4040 53 4093
470 wolkenreiter 3963 53 4016
470 Tecnorudi 3950 53 4003
470 KiW 3886 53 3939
470 Perky 3832 53 3885
470 garyjune 3825 53 3878
470 yattunn 3763 53 3816
470 Team BR 3754 53 3807
470 barbardessuedens 3708 53 3761
470 Cache-Runners 3664 53 3717
470 evergreenhiker! 3640 53 3693
470 IrishFlyFisher 3490 53 3543
470 Team GeoJump 3488 53 3541
470 StrangeCrew 3355 53 3408
470 Big D 24 3336 53 3389
470 SecretSquirrel-BJC 3335 53 3388
470 Neheimer 3278 53 3331
470 Jardatrek 3243 53 3296
470 eastriver 3217 53 3270
470 lrb&mlb 3206 53 3259
470 erik88l-r 3165 53 3218
470 dtn92129 3135 53 3188
470 CinderTheDog 3126 53 3179
470 JEVER 2948 53 3001
470 Hexenschuss 2839 53 2892
470 dítka 2815 53 2868
470 Climber5.11 2806 53 2859
470 PhantomTech 2779 53 2832
470 KerBear 2772 53 2825
470 Happy & Skippy 2762 53 2815
470 sataraid1 2730 53 2783
470 yurtles 2705 53 2758
470 zazth 2616 53 2669
470 gladeslvr & crew 2529 53 2582
470 Marschländer 2467 53 2520
470 Mousetrap 2410 53 2463
470 CacheMonkeez 2214 53 2267
470 Sunnydae & Co 2075 53 2128
470 shamrock bones 2020 53 2073
470 VT_EMT 1937 53 1990
470 TwoCat 1933 53 1986
470 Loco Lupine 1811 53 1864
470 Daisy&me 1627 53 1680
470 Windrose 1625 53 1678
470 donorgirl 1614 53 1667
470 stoneposse 1598 53 1651
470 Fireguy15 1580 53 1633
470 Cache Busters (kgunter/dgunter) 1535 53 1588
470 primefactors 1439 53 1492
633 FIFTIES 68023 54 68077
633 starless 37062 54 37116
633 zeith 28061 54 28115
633 Saar-Könige 26072 54 26126
633 camsoradap 24429 54 24483
633 ODragon 19705 54 19759
633 birkli 18956 54 19010
633 GeoKayG 18798 54 18852
633 kapitanR 18510 54 18564
633 sciuchetti 17892 54 17946
633 Funfinderone 15956 54 16010
633 Beutelteufelweibchen 15757 54 15811
633 supertrampz 15150 54 15204
633 Wyo & Snoop 14430 54 14484
633 Putte84 13146 54 13200
633 lamoracke 12708 54 12762
633 cdrw 12512 54 12566
633 Team Welsh 12435 54 12489
633 Number six 12308 54 12362
633 yavoy 11497 54 11551
633 tleu 11183 54 11237
633 junebug60 11099 54 11153
633 Eagle Rock Rob 10954 54 11008
633 masaj_ 10821 54 10875
633 Cocofrios 10773 54 10827
633 Lindave 10655 54 10709
633 The Burrow 10611 54 10665
633 mjb007 10236 54 10290
633 NewInners 10207 54 10261
633 CC42 10194 54 10248
633 schvabM 10014 54 10068
633 Réd 9932 54 9986
633 mtb-db 9853 54 9907
633 erdnus 9716 54 9770
633 @Stoppelhopser@ 9653 54 9707
633 andGuest 9574 54 9628
633 Mosznir 9562 54 9616
633 semaprint 9369 54 9423
633 Hayyan 9312 54 9366
633 WalkingWood 9091 54 9145
633 pcsenn 8788 54 8842
633 misty's muskateers 8724 54 8778
633 JazzyJebus 8721 54 8775
633 Ranger4+1 8427 54 8481
633 geogeriatrics 8412 54 8466
633 TrulsHE 8261 54 8315
633 jbtech 8237 54 8291
633 Les petits Poucets 8223 54 8277
633 musil48 8165 54 8219
633 Team Rohrfrei 8133 54 8187
633 markokh 7822 54 7876
633 hjnielsen 7580 54 7634
633 plychbjörn74 7493 54 7547
633 Jens 7434 54 7488
633 k7da 7415 54 7469
633 Lehtonen 7387 54 7441
633 T.Darup 7316 54 7370
633 BrainWerx 7124 54 7178
633 rolloundbounty 7044 54 7098
633 TimeosStavros 7029 54 7083
633 CougNeff 7027 54 7081
633 mrsahudson 6945 54 6999
633 HWR-Info 6599 54 6653
633 Abe and Sarah 6557 54 6611
633 Muffins on the move 6549 54 6603
633 WILZI 6487 54 6541
633 Joshwa27 6477 54 6531
633 Bird# 6472 54 6526
633 trail weasel 6455 54 6509
633 GeeOJulie 6427 54 6481
633 Geefour 6333 54 6387
633 jellybanners 6168 54 6222
633 Riddlers 6138 54 6192
633 Wood Butcher 6102 54 6156
633 resope 6061 54 6115
633 Mr_Warhead 6058 54 6112
633 CGQ 5882 54 5936
633 Malaren 5792 54 5846
633 jfigel 5784 54 5838
633 TB/RB 5680 54 5734
633 oldtimers 5610 54 5664
633 hoshie79 5592 54 5646
633 Dear Dora 5575 54 5629
633 Footloose & Fancy Free 5560 54 5614
633 Edisto Patto 5558 54 5612
633 Dory The Explorer 5529 54 5583
633 kleine tatze 5518 54 5572
633 makeitcount 5511 54 5565
633 bigbluemarble 5496 54 5550
633 Mace Windu 2 5457 54 5511
633 thebobcats 5327 54 5381
633 Green Eyed Gal 5317 54 5371
633 Summitt Dweller 5275 54 5329
633 bazzle 5235 54 5289
633 skeeper 5231 54 5285
633 5228 54 5282
633 ravsig 5147 54 5201
633 ladyelliott 4968 54 5022
633 die Weinis 4930 54 4984
633 janihast 4917 54 4971
633 Scubaaa 4836 54 4890
633 colbridge 4679 54 4733
633 Lostmonster & Co 4527 54 4581
633 Darth_Tater 4456 54 4510
633 Yalla 4448 54 4502
633 Pieman 4396 54 4450
633 nao3i 4394 54 4448
633 Two Left Knees 4373 54 4427
633 K&K from Bavaria 4250 54 4304
633 GSIs 4189 54 4243
633 Boot Group 4107 54 4161
633 schnueffel_bande 4100 54 4154
633 tjguy98 3963 54 4017
633 Bright Shining Stars 3883 54 3937
633 dmontanas 3866 54 3920
633 KKrew08 3849 54 3903
633 Cold one 3843 54 3897
633 prof.muthandi 3708 54 3762
633 visier61 3607 54 3661
633 _Fritzi_ 3522 54 3576
633 VOLVETTE 3490 54 3544
633 Rose Red 3479 54 3533
633 sdarken 3370 54 3424
633 UnlikelyPirate 3365 54 3419
633 DAYofTH3D3aD 3274 54 3328
633 Team PEZ 3264 54 3318
633 nascarfans08 3216 54 3270
633 HundenHera 3196 54 3250
633 Table 4 6 3191 54 3245
633 niteowlnz 3185 54 3239
633 GC_Hänsel68 3184 54 3238
633 ChiefController 3006 54 3060
633 Binks 2894 54 2948
633 happyhunter12 2767 54 2821
633 AdventureTharon 2734 54 2788
633 Pharmadude 2707 54 2761
633 JBT 2688 54 2742
633 Rockislander 2680 54 2734
633 raillink 2658 54 2712
633 whistler & co. 2535 54 2589
633 superilu 2529 54 2583
633 gipsie 2515 54 2569
633 P-38 2401 54 2455
633 Bill$er 2368 54 2422
633 Chuligan 2278 54 2332
633 Hycovi 2269 54 2323
633 OlofL 2253 54 2307
633 Jam3s 2250 54 2304
633 Team Proline 2209 54 2263
633 .Doro. 2180 54 2234
633 Raynebeau 2132 54 2186
633 Cheesy pigs 2124 54 2178
633 Brian - Team A.I. 2005 54 2059
633 skyandy 1999 54 2053
633 GPS Guy 1975 54 2029
633 Cpt Mike 1960 54 2014
633 Dances With Beehives 1888 54 1942
633 Graf-Zahl 1667 54 1721
633 sheppardnik 1660 54 1714
633 BulldogLove 1575 54 1629
633 desertking 1525 54 1579
633 Dave and Michelle 1522 54 1576
633 bluesybreeze 1438 54 1492
633 skinfusionz 1426 54 1480
633 Team Kryptos 1389 54 1443
633 GatoRx 1356 54 1410
633 brazilindy 1333 54 1387
800 heidi :-) 100002 55 100057
800 Sprenzl 35211 55 35266
800 Harjus 26946 55 27001
800 ElGringosor 24184 55 24239
800 Heracross 23103 55 23158
800 Jukkis&Cherry 22780 55 22835
800 Igel_myk 18740 55 18795
800 Team Lollipopformel1 18428 55 18483
800 Akkim+M 18356 55 18411
800 Fliegenfischer 16631 55 16686
800 Intrèpid 14509 55 14564
800 OskarZuFuss 14448 55 14503
800 markayla 14309 55 14364
800 Eifelfindus 13968 55 14023
800 Agent230 13942 55 13997
800 MicPlour 13938 55 13993
800 Lear61 13634 55 13689
800 TT-Diver 13400 55 13455
800 Polaris1000 13130 55 13185
800 four-fun 12975 55 13030
800 rakessler 12961 55 13016
800 yellowwelly 12611 55 12666
800 SCGeoNinja 12507 55 12562
800 campanulas 12476 55 12531
800 Austrian_Terrakate 12172 55 12227
800 futurecube 11770 55 11825
800 ritell 11721 55 11776
800 SP-DK 11488 55 11543
800 Sondheim67 11438 55 11493
800 Gandhi09 10775 55 10830
800 Rabbitto 10534 55 10589
800 Kata_Tjuta 10407 55 10462
800 NWTreehugger 10309 55 10364
800 geomur 10159 55 10214
800 superluc 10116 55 10171
800 tommeke47 9904 55 9959
800 overcached 9877 55 9932
800 Raini & Co. 8732 55 8787
800 fireman1968 8723 55 8778
800 Mikme 8682 55 8737
800 Snabben 8170 55 8225
800 Team Fozzy 7947 55 8002
800 chickwithbrains 7663 55 7718
800 escapee06 7655 55 7710
800 LeyaQman 7379 55 7434
800 ecopuffinparents 7366 55 7421
800 PhotoMaze 7294 55 7349
800 BIG Mama K 7254 55 7309
800 twooldgits 6935 55 6990
800 Hästtanten 6824 55 6879
800 JAKKTeam 6745 55 6800
800 BIOHAZARD MG 6720 55 6775
800 bejouke 6681 55 6736
800 SirRonBraun 6580 55 6635
800 Migro186 6576 55 6631
800 crossmage 6561 55 6616
800 Dat Suppenhuhn 6442 55 6497
800 PWulff 6329 55 6384
800 plumb69 6254 55 6309
800 stoneballs bass 6233 55 6288
800 ajayhawkfan 6166 55 6221
800 ChriNan2011 6164 55 6219
800 Ingvar39 6096 55 6151
800 wanderfish 5976 55 6031
800 SummitPlummet 5789 55 5844
800 selvig6 5712 55 5767
800 Douglas_Clan 5619 55 5674
800 cringle 5478 55 5533
800 wolfgangjagen 5440 55 5495
800 dressedm 5417 55 5472
800 DeepdiverBerlin 5360 55 5415
800 g'daycutter 5355 55 5410
800 fbcs 5180 55 5235
800 partsman41 5063 55 5118
800 Finlay & His Drudge 4991 55 5046
800 doc68 4980 55 5035
800 KC409 4972 55 5027
800 Preseli 4945 55 5000
800 thepanteras 4926 55 4981
800 Gregreggregg 4890 55 4945
800 Sunrise Surprise 2 4878 55 4933
800 zoisrus 4804 55 4859
800 Team Redline 4798 55 4853
800 Sequoia_2 4787 55 4842
800 jackiehuntjr1 4697 55 4752
800 Geololelole 4673 55 4728
800 Islalou 4637 55 4692
800 JoesBar 4622 55 4677
800 TeamCap 4569 55 4624
800 xtb 4518 55 4573
800 Trail Walkers 4483 55 4538
800 xeni60 4377 55 4432
800 sandel44 4340 55 4395
800 Eselmucker 4292 55 4347
800 TeamThe Sweeties 4287 55 4342
800 mixan123 4027 55 4082
800 PerParker 3887 55 3942
800 OuH8me2 3705 55 3760
800 TheDoubleHelix 3698 55 3753
800 nascarnut2414 3551 55 3606
800 TK7464 3546 55 3601
800 glogloman 3498 55 3553
800 ColoradoGeoHound 3486 55 3541
800 Kampfratterich 3464 55 3519
800 Governor Worf 3419 55 3474
800 Travelbums 3353 55 3408
800 Aina 3214 55 3269
800 Huge 3198 55 3253
800 maacs 3126 55 3181
800 sugarlandians 2964 55 3019
800 CoyoteTrust 2812 55 2867
800 UMS_Team 2796 55 2851
800 Frau Rodehüser 2724 55 2779
800 Othum 2681 55 2736
800 bluesprucejr 2617 55 2672
800 Jamesbrems 2468 55 2523
800 OneSong_ 2445 55 2500
800 Die Murmel 2348 55 2403
800 Wild-Wuggis 2326 55 2381
800 koala glen 2274 55 2329
800 tazmasized 2258 55 2313
800 GeoLady 2239 55 2294
800 Klunk 2191 55 2246
800 beachdrifter 2191 55 2246
800 Didg Guy 2137 55 2192
800 kscpebbles 2132 55 2187
800 TEAM RAFFITZ 2020 55 2075
800 geogeex 2020 55 2075
800 cookiesmonsters 1938 55 1993
800 Blunder Bums 1807 55 1862
800 X-C Shadow 1746 55 1801
800 unafraid leroy 1693 55 1748
800 geckoses 1672 55 1727
800 Moaning Minnie 1662 55 1717
800 keithlemons 1656 55 1711
800 Minner & Co 1632 55 1687
800 kilrathi 1611 55 1666
800 Gavia-SGCD 1499 55 1554
800 jr high scifi 1480 55 1535
800 SingleDoc 1454 55 1509
800 kjom 1440 55 1495
941 TheHobos 28214 56 28270
941 19931 56 19987
941 Tundra Wolf 19771 56 19827
941 britpitts 18820 56 18876
941 levidan 17875 56 17931
941 mamy1 16205 56 16261
941 Amaranthe 16019 56 16075
941 Toxic! 15813 56 15869
941 LB8QC 14170 56 14226
941 DrPflug 13881 56 13937
941 cjcj1515 13721 56 13777
941 xptwo 13681 56 13737
941 WeeWirHere 13483 56 13539
941 lemming.e 13461 56 13517
941 Scorpi1972 13172 56 13228
941 TeamGeoduck 13083 56 13139
941 Clue Seeker 12809 56 12865
941 Ass1 12518 56 12574
941 peace out 11557 56 11613
941 Geomejo79 11513 56 11569
941 10996 56 11052
941 Dog and Bear 10304 56 10360
941 schaafjes 10195 56 10251
941 le chat 9294 56 9350
941 OlaHansson 8972 56 9028
941 911turbos 8664 56 8720
941 Woodquarterer 8572 56 8628
941 Lackstift 8531 56 8587
941 Turrell2 8520 56 8576
941 geofex1 8460 56 8516
941 LaMarcheuse 8293 56 8349
941 Grandma Nan 8279 56 8335
941 Iski1 8223 56 8279
941 gogetitchuck 8145 56 8201
941 hulkman 8107 56 8163
941 nuttyfabes 8083 56 8139
941 Gruet 8023 56 8079
941 Loppor i pälsen 7865 56 7921
941 geocasual 7848 56 7904
941 KerMan 7802 56 7858
941 back to nature 7550 56 7606
941 sardis two 7530 56 7586
941 Gisbert1956 7331 56 7387
941 The9Searchers 7328 56 7384
941 Tebbausi 7285 56 7341
941 m.zielinski 7133 56 7189
941 ocrazys 7073 56 7129
941 Poole Dolphins 7054 56 7110
941 hairyfairies 7004 56 7060
941 mrahudson 6992 56 7048
941 Huntjack 6972 56 7028
941 de meyner 6799 56 6855
941 The Farrill 4 6600 56 6656
941 coptercaper 6509 56 6565
941 DMB4Life 6474 56 6530
941 Nekromonger 6418 56 6474
941 marax97 6398 56 6454
941 Topazowl 6365 56 6421
941 junet 6307 56 6363
941 bobemkat 6213 56 6269
941 bezmiar 6129 56 6185
 No. Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
941 chassetoys 5968 56 6024
941 bacon49 5693 56 5749
941 tomtom71 5634 56 5690
941 gunner45 5511 56 5567
941 itschopper 5427 56 5483
941 Cheekybev 5409 56 5465
941 ebnater 5354 56 5410
941 Rumburak67 5247 56 5303
941 ralhartm 5068 56 5124
941 Muepplex 5049 56 5105
941 dekoning 5010 56 5066
941 Spacebat 5008 56 5064
941 The.Eagle.Has.Landed 4818 56 4874
941 2 for the road 4800 56 4856
941 Mini Martin Warriors 4424 56 4480
941 cphug184 4375 56 4431
941 TeamOrville 4350 56 4406
941 zammis 4285 56 4341
941 pendragon1993 4247 56 4303
941 Whistle Blowers 4241 56 4297
941 barbra_zb 4235 56 4291
941 haveanez 4198 56 4254
941 TeeDeeKay 4174 56 4230
941 Toby's Gang 4121 56 4177
941 matzepuma 4095 56 4151
941 SnookJr 4087 56 4143
941 stonefree 3904 56 3960
941 hekiha 3783 56 3839
941 emptysea2572 3677 56 3733
941 AzCollector 3491 56 3547
941 Shifter Brains 3387 56 3443
941 SidAndBob 3378 56 3434
941 bitmap 3258 56 3314
941 BlazingOtters 3221 56 3277
941 Hysse 3209 56 3265
941 ole timer 3170 56 3226
941 numakeh 3081 56 3137
941 tub 2920 56 2976
941 msi911 2915 56 2971
941 Subarite 2808 56 2864
941 Gadget-tron 2806 56 2862
941 danny dog 2690 56 2746
941 le canard du canal 2608 56 2664
941 K-Ddid 2560 56 2616
941 McB. 2502 56 2558
941 codeyrex 2502 56 2558
941 Mr.Charlie 2492 56 2548
941 The Smith Brothers 2406 56 2462
941 Dr Horrible 2356 56 2412
941 FamilyofFireRef 2346 56 2402
941 "T" and Inga 2339 56 2395
941 Causey7 2284 56 2340
941 variblue 2236 56 2292
941 Grusilda und Krodo 2182 56 2238
941 L'équipe Bodi 2050 56 2106
941 Heironimus 2012 56 2068
941 hansk 1968 56 2024
941 GeoJimmie 1922 56 1978
941 Otter1965 1922 56 1978
941 -erling- 1876 56 1932
941 msdrummer 1837 56 1893
941 Team Duckit 1716 56 1772
941 Bjorn74 1363 56 1419
941 Nawtcher 1279 56 1335
1066 Castor007 35851 57 35908
1066 JoLiRa 31276 57 31333
1066 hikerT 28488 57 28545
1066 kulhus 20392 57 20449
1066 steviep 19879 57 19936
1066 Noot & Foxy 19642 57 19699
1066 sgauss 19601 57 19658
1066 cache-n-kerrie 18623 57 18680
1066 tarozwo 18585 57 18642
1066 Major134 17528 57 17585
1066 joebids 17448 57 17505
1066 KaMo_cz 16701 57 16758
1066 jim&jackie 16312 57 16369
1066 Muddy Dawgs 15175 57 15232
1066 splitti 13695 57 13752
1066 only misplaced 13482 57 13539
1066 Filipona* 13413 57 13470
1066 6Sentido 13395 57 13452
1066 SkiCycle 13154 57 13211
1066 aviatorhiker 12903 57 12960
1066 lostinthegarden 12664 57 12721
1066 geovagabond 12561 57 12618
1066 Cachologen 12336 57 12393
1066 zonnebaars 12167 57 12224
1066 Dataroel 11931 57 11988
1066 brisal5 11760 57 11817
1066 Hatje1 11637 57 11694
1066 des614 11585 57 11642
1066 Holger_Danske 11294 57 11351
1066 eltee1 11208 57 11265
1066 Pushmataha 11137 57 11194
1066 Joogy 11044 57 11101
1066 TucsonThompsen 11006 57 11063
1066 Bounce Team 10956 57 11013
1066 ravijeger 10893 57 10950
1066 thebedfords 10514 57 10571
1066 pitty pat 10478 57 10535
1066 Squiffs 10148 57 10205
1066 alfieo 10013 57 10070
1066 Drentse doorlopers 9903 57 9960
1066 evilernie74 9703 57 9760
1066 Sandsucher 9693 57 9750
1066 Lapin Des Bois 9526 57 9583
1066 blueray 9304 57 9361
1066 WiGe 9255 57 9312
1066 Bullenherde 9128 57 9185
1066 Hawaii Vi 9112 57 9169
1066 chefchen70 8937 57 8994
1066 Redhorses 8646 57 8703
1066 loopi 8378 57 8435
1066 Bart38110 8367 57 8424
1066 123Florida 8231 57 8288
1066 Igotuit 8129 57 8186
1066 stinkfuechse 7755 57 7812
1066 golici 7720 57 7777
1066 Badger 9 7682 57 7739
1066 TeamNilsen 7627 57 7684
1066 antoniobj 7163 57 7220
1066 Ronnya71 7128 57 7185
1066 Papejb 7052 57 7109
1066 Orvel 7025 57 7082
1066 oktwd 6690 57 6747
1066 Hegaupoeten 6361 57 6418
1066 THE GEOKNIGHTS 6312 57 6369
1066 iLLuMiNaTen 6173 57 6230
1066 eskov 6069 57 6126
1066 The Macho Homemaker 5845 57 5902
1066 naert32 5763 57 5820
1066 Team Professor X 5726 57 5783
1066 tasdevil13 5683 57 5740
1066 bullseye1 5605 57 5662
1066 sorgenfrei 5500 57 5557
1066 Socke1973 5389 57 5446
1066 tofska 5368 57 5425
1066 cj10 5358 57 5415
1066 Geo Dogs 5353 57 5410
1066 Son of Syfun 5327 57 5384
1066 bunkerdave 5209 57 5266
1066 Orangerie 5125 57 5182
1066 IceColdUK 5005 57 5062
1066 Lars der Fuchs 5005 57 5062
1066 lavaflow 4846 57 4903
1066 LambChops23 4836 57 4893
1066 jusb 4783 57 4840
1066 CAKnowles 4740 57 4797
1066 logger&trail 4646 57 4703
1066 Haegar 4636 57 4693
1066 Big smoke 4535 57 4592
1066 heymom3 4320 57 4377
1066 EPMinnesota 4312 57 4369
1066 Spider+Spidi 4245 57 4302
1066 ryby 4177 57 4234
1066 NetworkCacher 4141 57 4198
1066 sgtmta 4112 57 4169
1066 idtimberwolf 4014 57 4071
1066 PEGY 3986 57 4043
1066 der_Ole 3935 57 3992
1066 Brunoos 3911 57 3968
1066 k6ccc 3831 57 3888
1066 Hammy57 3758 57 3815
1066 StepByStep 3704 57 3761
1066 George&Co 3693 57 3750
1066 Mr & Mrs Hagelslag 3658 57 3715
1066 gpicard 3476 57 3533
1066 Rännarunt 3469 57 3526
1066 Tissa1020 & Foxhound 3428 57 3485
1066 bluerover2 3372 57 3429
1066 Garfield+Arlene 3335 57 3392
1066 rjjones00 3306 57 3363
1066 Georodi 3270 57 3327
1066 helter_skelter 3241 57 3298
1066 ShirleyAnn 3189 57 3246
1066 BisonWoman 3122 57 3179
1066 Forty-n-Eight 3118 57 3175
1066 de Kogakes 3108 57 3165
1066 cjweiss06 3091 57 3148
1066 surf89 3064 57 3121
1066 Dramatch 3047 57 3104
1066 San Dimas Cachers 3015 57 3072
1066 Peanuthead 2877 57 2934
1066 superhoser 2729 57 2786
1066 Cpdenton 2708 57 2765
1066 Captain No Beard and the Pi Rats 2648 57 2705
1066 Pegas_Team 2636 57 2693
1066 gebskab 2531 57 2588
1066 Flowerdoc 2526 57 2583
1066 erycka & wichie 2517 57 2574
1066 ATXTracker 2479 57 2536
1066 Käptn Flints Bande 2467 57 2524
1066 rogge88 2456 57 2513
1066 Mr.Bubba 2355 57 2412
1066 Dieter Wiegandt 2302 57 2359
1066 jelowi 2235 57 2292
1066 BudokanTB 2213 57 2270
1066 Dosido 2039 57 2096
1066 rixart 2029 57 2086
1066 Gotta Go Play Outside 2013 57 2070
1066 geohiker55 1907 57 1964
1066 cheefy 1807 57 1864
1066 team diamond 1761 57 1818
1066 Stump 1673 57 1730
1066 Texas tiger 1425 57 1482
1066 TurndAround 1291 57 1348
1066 Tooge 29 57 86
1210 simplysup 62537 58 62595
1210 Khoda 44352 58 44410
1210 n8lgp 27973 58 28031
1210 The Holdaway Hounds 23355 58 23413
1210 StoGirls 22288 58 22346
1210 Flagg2007 18273 58 18331
1210 Geocass&Andy750x 17112 58 17170
1210 hoekraam 16761 58 16819
1210 Barnabirdy(s) 16120 58 16178
1210 vdq861po2 15208 58 15266
1210 Grizzly-NF 14658 58 14716
1210 shercojm 14518 58 14576
1210 mr.magic 13038 58 13096
1210 AndreasWOB 12678 58 12736
1210 rainbow_guyz 12299 58 12357
1210 PQCaching 12086 58 12144
1210 starsharon + Hubbie 11691 58 11749
1210 Garmingeo 11572 58 11630
1210 Oldsters Go Play Outside 11003 58 11061
1210 will4088 10758 58 10816
1210 Sharkoak_ 10629 58 10687
1210 themountainaires 10593 58 10651
1210 GJ4947 10545 58 10603
1210 JiPi1167 10420 58 10478
1210 Gievlos 10323 58 10381
1210 Sludge bucket 10303 58 10361
1210 kayzersose 9833 58 9891
1210 hornburg 9697 58 9755
1210 jahnfamily 9674 58 9732
1210 nohejasz 9573 58 9631
1210 Skippy. 9531 58 9589
1210 hal-an-tow 9329 58 9387
1210 djoongle 9106 58 9164
1210 LaDeBA 9070 58 9128
1210 PrinzZwiebel 8974 58 9032
1210 brennerfuerst 8766 58 8824
1210 Lemminghead 8426 58 8484
1210 Tom_Kat 8374 58 8432
1210 Borderdriver 8363 58 8421
1210 Schluchtenbrunzer 8335 58 8393
1210 micky n dave 8279 58 8337
1210 eles78 8188 58 8246
1210 luagsh 8141 58 8199
1210 oosterlengtes 7953 58 8011
1210 Tellermonster78 7881 58 7939
1210 tylren 7826 58 7884
1210 8601delphinium 7719 58 7777
1210 mountainbiker36 7526 58 7584
1210 Themerrymonarch 7382 58 7440
1210 LSOEVE 7336 58 7394
1210 Lupus Lupus 7318 58 7376
1210 dk-tor 7047 58 7105
1210 MiRe70 6753 58 6811
1210 wetfit 6636 58 6694
1210 Troglofilo 6614 58 6672
1210 minettem 6576 58 6634
1210 Code1 6393 58 6451
1210 1BF 6254 58 6312
1210 Wienerdog 6213 58 6271
1210 Jacopino 6212 58 6270
1210 CP590 5917 58 5975
1210 TECGeoJim 5848 58 5906
1210 t.low 5782 58 5840
1210 yo-yo-f 5763 58 5821
1210 Vinny & Sue Team 5752 58 5810
1210 Tango-Addi 5546 58 5604
1210 Jambala 5458 58 5516
1210 Behistun 5400 58 5458
1210 bobb613 5356 58 5414
1210 f5pvj 5028 58 5086
1210 ronipeet 4896 58 4954
1210 RILLS 4809 58 4867
1210 MildasVänner 4720 58 4778
1210 Bunganator 4663 58 4721
1210 2000wu6 4663 58 4721
1210 abinitio 4659 58 4717
1210 terryandsherrie 4628 58 4686
1210 Elk hunter & Mickey Mouse 4567 58 4625
1210 dansinema 4478 58 4536
1210 Grasshoppers&Ant 4280 58 4338
1210 Little Friend 4189 58 4247
1210 Spivey 4177 58 4235
1210 piossa 4174 58 4232
1210 mrstrix 4105 58 4163
1210 Gurphamily 4070 58 4128
1210 Davedoo 4039 58 4097
1210 jbduffman 4000 58 4058
1210 Sweetstarlett+Fam 3992 58 4050
1210 The Caching Nuts 3971 58 4029
1210 booglepss12 3968 58 4026
1210 Majole&Kiddluv 3938 58 3996
1210 The Swamp "4" 3891 58 3949
1210 libkin 3886 58 3944
1210 grey_wolf & momcat 3864 58 3922
1210 DJ&Jules 3864 58 3922
1210 n.e.m 3829 58 3887
1210 deep green 3823 58 3881
1210 wendt_81 3732 58 3790
1210 Box 1 & 2 3615 58 3673
1210 TeamSwampy 3605 58 3663
1210 Loïc 3523 58 3581
1210 QueenofD'Nile 3362 58 3420
1210 army-brats 3271 58 3329
1210 Wildbirds 3167 58 3225
1210 zionzr2 2742 58 2800
1210 geckooo 2719 58 2777
1210 chemic77 2697 58 2755
1210 Alquimm 2488 58 2546
1210 Gustav 3 2386 58 2444
1210 six-pac 2328 58 2386
1210 Roland_oso 2300 58 2358
1210 Texas Dreamweaver 2197 58 2255
1210 CC 2177 58 2235
1210 phishbonz 2048 58 2106
1210 Quencolas 2024 58 2082
1210 vbrowning 2020 58 2078
1210 E C V 58 1920 58 1978
1210 Tripper 1896 58 1954
1210 southrenwolf 1859 58 1917
1210 Teddy2k 1852 58 1910
1210 Ahlemer-Geos 1843 58 1901
1210 Mr.Moo 1789 58 1847
1210 Thel2edRanger 1769 58 1827
1210 bafl01 1760 58 1818
1210 JackrabbitJeff 1676 58 1734
1210 entomophile 1543 58 1601
1210 Indy Diver 1463 58 1521
1210 diamond mom 1448 58 1506
1210 xmts 1220 58 1278
1210 4wheeling-1 1209 58 1267
1340 SeekingSalters 43570 59 43629
1340 X$r 31058 59 31117
1340 bornpfad 23650 59 23709
1340 2y'stassies 21353 59 21412
1340 JustUsTwo 18660 59 18719
1340 Waterweasel 15773 59 15832
1340 jubelexo 15171 59 15230
1340 Geo-Sarge 14425 59 14484
1340 rediguana 14367 59 14426
1340 this2shalpas 12920 59 12979
1340 LMMDK 12300 59 12359
1340 ChristianGK 11874 59 11933
1340 ojsel 11738 59 11797
1340 cakemaker 11049 59 11108
1340 REDRUTH ROAMERS 10971 59 11030
1340 bellcurve 10831 59 10890
1340 Ozibags 10679 59 10738
1340 Hohenlimburger 10513 59 10572
1340 Teller44 10430 59 10489
1340 Binrat 10414 59 10473
1340 Clown Shoes 10282 59 10341
1340 Davidlee G 9860 59 9919
1340 Don Raul 9699 59 9758
1340 cheminstr 9693 59 9752
1340 dfx 9605 59 9664
1340 M@x 9451 59 9510
1340 SBJN 9411 59 9470
1340 SOAPY chickens 8959 59 9018
1340 moletrap & the tooth fairy 8911 59 8970
1340 orxion 8802 59 8861
1340 Pfalz 8741 59 8800
1340 Master Sergeant USMC 8491 59 8550
1340 ILuvAZ 8375 59 8434
1340 cavecats 8325 59 8384
1340 pcsilva 8229 59 8288
1340 docyrcat 8222 59 8281
1340 rubi42 8111 59 8170
1340 Adonis. 7860 59 7919
1340 XHawk 7814 59 7873
1340 georg83 & Katrin 7668 59 7727
1340 Coinseekers 7508 59 7567
1340 Bici66 7495 59 7554
1340 Jan Tenner 7110 59 7169
1340 KlausiTorgelow 6718 59 6777
1340 lamoutarde 6674 59 6733
1340 siskyn205 6509 59 6568
1340 cwdancer 6366 59 6425
1340 Selmice 6288 59 6347
1340 JT Cache Finder 6283 59 6342
1340 BlackyV 6136 59 6195
1340 CYBret 6004 59 6063
1340 msen 5966 59 6025
1340 honeybee77 5955 59 6014
1340 Mundl 5922 59 5981
1340 taxman417 5534 59 5593
1340 Valoha 5300 59 5359
1340 ageta 5282 59 5341
1340 Sprottentante 5089 59 5148
1340 jmasci 5081 59 5140
1340 Heino 5068 59 5127
1340 Wandering B 4988 59 5047
1340 George Black 4971 59 5030
1340 4956 59 5015
1340 mitch.mob 4859 59 4918
1340 Pat5488 4832 59 4891
1340 Trail Blaisers 4677 59 4736
1340 pulda1 4507 59 4566
1340 Petite Chef 4433 59 4492
1340 Tattletales 4354 59 4413
1340 Janne69 4272 59 4331
1340 Yettay 4192 59 4251
1340 andrewmcc 4171 59 4230
1340 Woodland3000 4094 59 4153
1340 Go&Mi Team 4071 59 4130
1340 banana45 4059 59 4118
1340 Hummel & Brummel 4058 59 4117
1340 carrolla&MISSANNE 4024 59 4083
1340 Bigfoot1865 3744 59 3803
1340 forthebeautyoftheearth 3681 59 3740
1340 hiker4682 3677 59 3736
1340 JBinthe615 3667 59 3726
1340 HaRaKa 3606 59 3665
1340 Team Nordic Walking 3487 59 3546
1340 TXCacheDogs 3435 59 3494
1340 tteggod trackers 3240 59 3299
1340 LifeOnEdge! 3234 59 3293
1340 koukoune 3225 59 3284
1340 L L L 3172 59 3231
1340 Muelli96 3048 59 3107
1340 Nanni&PapK57 3027 59 3086
1340 Slainte! 3019 59 3078
1340 RoLaBeKa 3009 59 3068
1340 RubysRudel 2901 59 2960
1340 Flyfishermanbob 2871 59 2930
1340 Oblander4cachers 2776 59 2835
1340 : clrd4takof 2738 59 2797
1340 A,J&BG 2734 59 2793
1340 Red Wolf Team 2694 59 2753
1340 Frick and Frack 2601 59 2660
1340 parapath 2582 59 2641
1340 -Ript2Shrds- 2570 59 2629
1340 Madyokel 2553 59 2612
1340 Stormy 2546 59 2605
1340 Bootscootin70 2414 59 2473
1340 slegal 2314 59 2373
1340 CF_syngyn 2268 59 2327
1340 kai2707 2196 59 2255
1340 Marazd 2153 59 2212
1340 10ecmtgrl 2145 59 2204
1340 VKC1SR 2017 59 2076
1340 truckdweller 1660 59 1719
1340 Team Jimni 1582 59 1641
1340 wallaceDuo 1554 59 1613
1340 Mule Ears 1340 59 1399
1454 debrajean 39319 60 39379
1454 del2u 30115 60 30175
1454 johngie 27724 60 27784
1454 KnightAlf 22664 60 22724
1454 HBK-2 19707 60 19767
1454 katguy 19286 60 19346
1454 LyleVB 16130 60 16190
1454 DOUG&CINDY09 15971 60 16031
1454 Goferduo 14461 60 14521
1454 gonefishing2 14172 60 14232
1454 tallglenn 14034 60 14094
1454 Sajoma 13993 60 14053
1454 koikeeper 13630 60 13690
1454 Family Ties 13605 60 13665
1454 klabbe 12659 60 12719
1454 bendtb 12324 60 12384
1454 safri 12216 60 12276
1454 Geek&Gopher 12028 60 12088
1454 doublemoose 11224 60 11284
1454 msrubble 11181 60 11241
1454 archeoarchaic1939 11058 60 11118
1454 Timberline Echoes 10950 60 11010
1454 Port Eagleeye 10814 60 10874
1454 ve2ogh 10289 60 10349
1454 T/anteFix 9946 60 10006
1454 6Hinemoa2 9897 60 9957
1454 desertfoxuk 9854 60 9914
1454 terabaitas 9510 60 9570
1454 FrappGirl 9504 60 9564
1454 Hooked On U 9349 60 9409
1454 Sharknose Bunnies 8905 60 8965
1454 Lazer 8583 60 8643
1454 CachHounds 8449 60 8509
1454 Airly B 8325 60 8385
1454 DrPowercat 8250 60 8310
1454 nanncyan 8215 60 8275
1454 kb10bo 8159 60 8219
1454 sleuthers 7582 60 7642
1454 gummibjorn 7453 60 7513
1454 Sonnentatzen 7399 60 7459
1454 The Pirates of the Yukon 7135 60 7195
1454 DieSchnueffler 7084 60 7144
1454 sigma 1 6950 60 7010
1454 BearDroid 6878 60 6938
1454 CocaColaCacher 6809 60 6869
1454 kunterbunt10 6685 60 6745
1454 followingHIM 6587 60 6647
1454 Nessy2 6426 60 6486
1454 Team Papu 6375 60 6435
 No. Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
1454 q22q17 6069 60 6129
1454 zebastinio 6047 60 6107
1454 tigrekrista 5905 60 5965
1454 mimsa 5890 60 5950
1454 UtahJean 5841 60 5901
1454 o'cholio 5739 60 5799
1454 LH & AH 5668 60 5728
1454 eyewise 5296 60 5356
1454 AlmargemTeam 5098 60 5158
1454 Roseacre 5093 60 5153
1454 cynwood 5023 60 5083
1454 dndsterns 5015 60 5075
1454 WildHoller 5000 60 5060
1454 Dane42 4969 60 5029
1454 AlohaBra and MaksMom 4958 60 5018
1454 Pathfinder_73 4826 60 4886
1454 buzzcut39 4757 60 4817
1454 Red Sailor 4732 60 4792
1454 Tracker JACS 4729 60 4789
1454 HH58 4683 60 4743
1454 DKRQWLP 4572 60 4632
1454 C&E 4507 60 4567
1454 NeWa 4408 60 4468
1454 Luchs97 4358 60 4418
1454 tuitje 4314 60 4374
1454 paconlacellars 4278 60 4338
1454 thovijak 4250 60 4310
1454 datmand 4174 60 4234
1454 Mindfulness 4116 60 4176
1454 Kampfhamster 4098 60 4158
1454 GeoGrandpa 4088 60 4148
1454 Migido 3992 60 4052
1454 Dryjak 3906 60 3966
1454 chimps8mybaby 3841 60 3901
1454 Mountie 3668 60 3728
1454 team moxiepup 3477 60 3537
1454 Maltesecross 3462 60 3522
1454 TP71 3314 60 3374
1454 De Haelder 3306 60 3366
1454 silverray 3291 60 3351
1454 xophe 3266 60 3326
1454 SAJski1 3234 60 3294
1454 ferley416 3175 60 3235
1454 latitude55 2960 60 3020
1454 SilverSnake 2938 60 2998
1454 Ridder Tiuri 2896 60 2956
1454 Pilzkobold Hericium 2825 60 2885
1454 Marta&Filip 2811 60 2871
1454 perryzip 2788 60 2848
1454 L&F 2775 60 2835
1454 mattbrady775 2725 60 2785
1454 steenroller 2657 60 2717
1454 Luc & Sweety 2646 60 2706
1454 Roark&Dallas 2621 60 2681
1454 ACE226 2451 60 2511
1454 geogrunt&geokat 2427 60 2487
1454 Kashiree 2267 60 2327
1454 KTU 2242 60 2302
1454 Lujason 2129 60 2189
1454 Nuwati 2009 60 2069
1454 nscaler 1892 60 1952
1454 JDandDD 1841 60 1901
1454 Smokey Bear Collector 1824 60 1884
1454 P'Nut Butter & Honey 1801 60 1861
1454 GEO*Trailblazer 1 1765 60 1825
1454 Miss-Keeto 1753 60 1813
1454 thBriGuy 1639 60 1699
1454 AV Dezign 1631 60 1691
1571 Hannemil 50108 61 50169
1571 IowaGerd 40710 61 40771
1571 elemay 36518 61 36579
1571 The Fossillady 32163 61 32224
1571 Sakidoo 22846 61 22907
1571 21143 61 21204
1571 BandLEngstrom 20412 61 20473
1571 team gebrook 17985 61 18046
1571 Vallafrun 17216 61 17277
1571 Geo-Knot 16240 61 16301
1571 Catlon 16141 61 16202
1571 listom 14292 61 14353
1571 dogan 13515 61 13576
1571 Dragon Riders 13419 61 13480
1571 *skydance* 12925 61 12986
1571 vorticity 12472 61 12533
1571 Temingi 12125 61 12186
1571 Opti-n-Tbag 12009 61 12070
1571 piker 11937 61 11998
1571 Brikoc 10949 61 11010
1571 Michix 10942 61 11003
1571 Fear-Fantasy 10722 61 10783
1571 taska 10699 61 10760
1571 rotznas 10561 61 10622
1571 Fruitmaker67 10152 61 10213
1571 UGGY 9735 61 9796
1571 makajali 9658 61 9719
1571 XZQ&Dad 9648 61 9709
1571 ojonamis 9628 61 9689
1571 vanbaarsel 9433 61 9494
1571 SerzantCT 9371 61 9432
1571 Otfordstrollers 9281 61 9342
1571 drgw3128 9264 61 9325
1571 Konie 9255 61 9316
1571 Danes Hunter 9137 61 9198
1571 redhedmary 9067 61 9128
1571 Falach-fead 8647 61 8708
1571 hmpfgnrrr 8485 61 8546
1571 Dutchlandian 8458 61 8519
1571 zuzki 8190 61 8251
1571 OkiePaladin 7881 61 7942
1571 vechtdal 7707 61 7768
1571 papierre77 7668 61 7729
1571 naturekid 7574 61 7635
1571 DevillsAngel 7410 61 7471
1571 LTD.Hubb 7363 61 7424
1571 AJ The Sheep Doctor 7359 61 7420
1571 racing-rally99 7358 61 7419
1571 CaptainKevin 7292 61 7353
1571 orourked 7100 61 7161
1571 texaslibra 7026 61 7087
1571 Goedweerloper 6607 61 6668
1571 ratspazum 6518 61 6579
1571 otti20 6494 61 6555
1571 lgf 6454 61 6515
1571 Kulturmensch 6445 61 6506
1571 berserker100 6435 61 6496
1571 Mr GeoJim 6424 61 6485
1571 Citrus-Lizard 6379 61 6440
1571 Mickey4jes 6377 61 6438
1571 Erie Scouter 6365 61 6426
1571 forestfauna 6211 61 6272
1571 samismum 6158 61 6219
1571 fradjoh 5908 61 5969
1571 Coolcat21 5808 61 5869
1571 giuba21 5739 61 5800
1571 Blue Man 5690 61 5751
1571 DynamicDs 5632 61 5693
1571 PA Ladi 5592 61 5653
1571 treasure_kings 5493 61 5554
1571 zwischenmahlzeit 5227 61 5288
1571 pjpreb 5204 61 5265
1571 swasti 5112 61 5173
1571 gamekeeper1001 5110 61 5171
1571 utahsnowflake 5107 61 5168
1571 Flip flops 5103 61 5164
1571 Strawanza 5075 61 5136
1571 Gate to Black the Forest 5022 61 5083
1571 althechemyst 5003 61 5064
1571 Mylex 4996 61 5057
1571 TBlover 4976 61 5037
1571 morts01 4919 61 4980
1571 Raven 4892 61 4953
1571 MARICKY 4648 61 4709
1571 ramazzottifan 4564 61 4625
1571 flgAZ 4468 61 4529
1571 Aerial 4327 61 4388
1571 kodiakwoodsman 4093 61 4154
1571 Asa 4065 61 4126
1571 WuffPack 4056 61 4117
1571 Janne o MÃ¥na 4040 61 4101
1571 Pip'n'Tif 3895 61 3956
1571 MikElsa 3866 61 3927
1571 GeoKen 3808 61 3869
1571 Indigo500 3727 61 3788
1571 NZ48 3517 61 3578
1571 Mirdif 3505 61 3566
1571 LSUMonica 3484 61 3545
1571 Leleboo_05 3425 61 3486
1571 CDS231 3399 61 3460
1571 kazhe 3378 61 3439
1571 TazD 3279 61 3340
1571 Tricky 3273 61 3334
1571 cabanon 3257 61 3318
1571 Bronco46 3102 61 3163
1571 Voodoo_Chicken 2908 61 2969
1571 #1papabear 2905 61 2966
1571 Luels 2837 61 2898
1571 The Incredible Geocachers 2773 61 2834
1571 Ron & Lois 2720 61 2781
1571 Still Searching 2698 61 2759
1571 zBlindman 2462 61 2523
1571 Teemu Laitinen 2392 61 2453
1571 chipj10 2359 61 2420
1571 alirose114 2277 61 2338
1571 Scavenger Hunter 2245 61 2306
1571 ourark 2216 61 2277
1571 RedGlobe 2180 61 2241
1571 70type3 2072 61 2133
1571 dmchapman 2026 61 2087
1571 Escapades 2021 61 2082
1571 bugsmasher69 1935 61 1996
1571 Rebel Alliance 1843 61 1904
1571 tcnpk 1834 61 1895
1571 OzarkMtnGhost, Hillbilly & Little Boo 1706 61 1767
1571 Smelly Boot 1543 61 1604
1571 HughesCrew 1542 61 1603
1571 zoobum 1538 61 1599
1571 Haicoole 1524 61 1585
1571 fossi31 1510 61 1571
1571 The Alleghenian 1356 61 1417
1702 Tombmaker! 45904 62 45966
1702 Johnny Rango 44649 62 44711
1702 Rip258 38024 62 38086
1702 Garminman7k 24986 62 25048
1702 hyperheidi 23806 62 23868
1702 biggi184 21924 62 21986
1702 Superhooper55 21739 62 21801
1702 Silver Horde 20954 62 21016
1702 Skydive-Sexy 16099 62 16161
1702 aullu 15851 62 15913
1702 vetrnik_cr 14383 62 14445
1702 Navi-Radler 13451 62 13513
1702 azgeobugs 12464 62 12526
1702 Das Murmeltier 12288 62 12350
1702 Gera 777 12154 62 12216
1702 fishingfools 11981 62 12043
1702 Citizen Smith 11916 62 11978
1702 Lucky&spol 11708 62 11770
1702 DieRauteimHerzen 11402 62 11464
1702 PüpsiMüpsi 10844 62 10906
1702 zacknmom 10298 62 10360
1702 cbiij 10108 62 10170
1702 Jedla-bedla 9996 62 10058
1702 Dima 11 9966 62 10028
1702 unoyt 9936 62 9998
1702 fcbdos 9792 62 9854
1702 dougsmiley 9641 62 9703
1702 testudos 9583 62 9645
1702 The Hancock Clan 9514 62 9576
1702 Orion and Son 8983 62 9045
1702 PhilNi 8646 62 8708
1702 sasik1 8641 62 8703
1702 Exit...Stage_Left 8084 62 8146
1702 Impossible Idiots 8047 62 8109
1702 D-Mark 8021 62 8083
1702 garminius 8004 62 8066
1702 jicknarson 7766 62 7828
1702 waterfan5 7699 62 7761
1702 Tag_it! 7460 62 7522
1702 Prairie Chicken 7423 62 7485
1702 Hiney53 7365 62 7427
1702 Peppermill 6-Pack 7305 62 7367
1702 Bricolage 6967 62 7029
1702 Kirk F 6927 62 6989
1702 Southern Cross Caching 6809 62 6871
1702 alldatndensum 6606 62 6668
1702 nessie3d & Ynka 6578 62 6640
1702 _SoP_ 6557 62 6619
1702 znackarml 6506 62 6568
1702 UBC Geograd 6306 62 6368
1702 RoadRunner61 6221 62 6283
1702 imacountrygirl 6196 62 6258
1702 Siamese Retriever 6190 62 6252
1702 cantseem 6093 62 6155
1702 Phil100 6049 62 6111
1702 Firegirl69 6017 62 6079
1702 tobbson 5808 62 5870
1702 las3dogs 5692 62 5754
1702 Luis959 5630 62 5692
1702 krb_search 5555 62 5617
1702 TeamAlexAbby 5471 62 5533
1702 .GROSSY. 5353 62 5415
1702 Mayan Duo 5297 62 5359
1702 cibachrome 5050 62 5112
1702 MadTraxx 4968 62 5030
1702 miksomas 4826 62 4888
1702 schrumbi + bine 4486 62 4548
1702 The Flying Boots 4392 62 4454
1702 Geo J0 4328 62 4390
1702 scren 4326 62 4388
1702 LewM & SandiM 4319 62 4381
1702 Neiserbs 4247 62 4309
1702 GOATTER 4200 62 4262
1702 GlobeRunner 4030 62 4092
1702 Dipl0 4017 62 4079
1702 rbc123 4011 62 4073
1702 becksbube 3882 62 3944
1702 witch24 3876 62 3938
1702 foggy hoofer 3816 62 3878
1702 der Micro 3584 62 3646
1702 ea51ron 3565 62 3627
1702 Joan! 3494 62 3556
1702 manucactus 3402 62 3464
1702 beecubed 3329 62 3391
1702 Sallykc 3206 62 3268
1702 GrangerFam 2745 62 2807
1702 Skeeterbait2 2645 62 2707
1702 kayebear40s 2576 62 2638
1702 Skoolz 2450 62 2512
1702 worriedman 2339 62 2401
1702 Pilerman 2106 62 2168
1702 Oly Sidewinder 2069 62 2131
1702 Devil Duckies 1981 62 2043
1702 Doctor J. 1879 62 1941
1702 ynots4 1642 62 1704
1702 grimmie895 1563 62 1625
1702 txoilgas 1539 62 1601
1702 maggieszoo 1509 62 1571
1702 CRAZY DIAMONDS 1500 62 1562
1702 Night-Fly 1418 62 1480
1802 dittocat 53575 63 53638
1802 senecaz 46718 63 46781
1802 TrekStarl 43964 63 44027
1802 Foreoleshinerbears 27589 63 27652
1802 jcTAZ 22525 63 22588
1802 piafrode 20280 63 20343
1802 Grizzly Pair 18838 63 18901
1802 podcaster 17724 63 17787
1802 admirall 17676 63 17739
1802 makis 15295 63 15358
1802 TB-Cito 15138 63 15201
1802 D.S.L. 14329 63 14392
1802 comkelp 13944 63 14007
1802 Piger 13144 63 13207
1802 Quanjamops 12785 63 12848
1802 BlackstoneVal 12730 63 12793
1802 Corner' 12679 63 12742
1802 ekumseekum 11284 63 11347
1802 mum_nz 11037 63 11100
1802 Largosss 11003 63 11066
1802 sharkiefan 10797 63 10860
1802 caching steppi 10610 63 10673
1802 Anelith 10219 63 10282
1802 Heldenmaus 10162 63 10225
1802 Nasnbeaschn 10148 63 10211
1802 Nirikina 10123 63 10186
1802 DobbyvomNiemetal 9135 63 9198
1802 stijn123 8959 63 9022
1802 bluedaisy 8450 63 8513
1802 Nathalain 8368 63 8431
1802 whtwolfden 8262 63 8325
1802 Tenacious-T 8007 63 8070
1802 Elchawa 7824 63 7887
1802 sully1 7633 63 7696
1802 Mar.Co 7385 63 7448
1802 ironfire 7210 63 7273
1802 Biskop 7110 63 7173
1802 lenicka.second 6812 63 6875
1802 wmshaysix 6591 63 6654
1802 jaypit 6502 63 6565
1802 Mickeydv 6500 63 6563
1802 24hawki 6461 63 6524
1802 Pprime (P`) 6406 63 6469
1802 Bjarnholt 6361 63 6424
1802 Frudden 6036 63 6099
1802 Biendliwisi 5955 63 6018
1802 vitaj 5944 63 6007
1802 Riverangler 5846 63 5909
1802 mamiegateau 5753 63 5816
1802 Imu87 5695 63 5758
1802 omaster 5489 63 5552
1802 A1HydeAndSeek 5286 63 5349
1802 Pink Paisley 5232 63 5295
1802 FLF 5075 63 5138
1802 Lizard_sme 4617 63 4680
1802 John Stead 4462 63 4525
1802 Pathfinder & Snoopy 4364 63 4427
1802 mtbcacher68 4154 63 4217
1802 rcsearcher 4139 63 4202
1802 The Crippler 4045 63 4108
1802 TKDLiss 4012 63 4075
1802 Winter Foxes 3998 63 4061
1802 fmsky 3959 63 4022
1802 No~Body 3851 63 3914
1802 SailorRory & the Winch Wenches 3639 63 3702
1802 2katz 3542 63 3605
1802 lillfiluren 3485 63 3548
1802 TeNNiSMoMAZ 3314 63 3377
1802 EUPossi 3303 63 3366
1802 Team Rabbits 3226 63 3289
1802 kaits747 2963 63 3026
1802 Pressburg Hulvats 2924 63 2987
1802 kabouter. 2861 63 2924
1802 Oilman 2663 63 2726
1802 Wal-Mart Man 2659 63 2722
1802 bluemustangpride 2492 63 2555
1802 treasure_hunter 2479 63 2542
1802 pckc 2235 63 2298
1802 cosninocanines 2214 63 2277
1802 Adventure777 2188 63 2251
1802 Ketchmeifucan 2027 63 2090
1802 SeeWhyMan 1684 63 1747
1802 adam_w 1642 63 1705
1802 Raptar 1608 63 1671
1802 Scout Master 1576 63 1639
1802 jasy 1534 63 1597
1802 SkipHerr 1513 63 1576
1802 nikonboy 1396 63 1459
1802 elviso69 1279 63 1342
1802 Foo Finder 1203 63 1266
1892 SeekDaCache 42302 64 42366
1892 Minnesota 29291 64 29355
1892 Antefix 25749 64 25813
1892 Pro & Cras Tin8 25732 64 25796
1892 Stag Ramblers 25278 64 25342
1892 TeamAstro 25194 64 25258
1892 team hornseth 22816 64 22880
1892 zeisihik 17580 64 17644
1892 Die Firlefanzis 16128 64 16192
1892 the Druids 15720 64 15784
1892 allie_gator2006 14596 64 14660
1892 HerbieWo 14474 64 14538
1892 Snobird & Mountain Goat 14468 64 14532
1892 Licwid 12674 64 12738
1892 jaro1500 12437 64 12501
1892 junmy3 12135 64 12199
1892 PattyPre 12042 64 12106
1892 davarle 11853 64 11917
1892 CacheDFish 11783 64 11847
1892 WalkerJB 11773 64 11837
1892 BlueMoth 11759 64 11823
1892 Lindbjerg 11756 64 11820
1892 alpinemm 11327 64 11391
1892 Beenasse 10986 64 11050
1892 macwin11se 10790 64 10854
1892 c1954m 10385 64 10449
1892 astarandson 10185 64 10249
1892 zrvers 9885 64 9949
1892 The Pollywog 9595 64 9659
1892 Jeep1979 9586 64 9650
1892 oldrocknmetal 9061 64 9125
1892 Muddy Teapot 8766 64 8830
1892 Shop99er 8637 64 8701
1892 Celebrity927 8437 64 8501
1892 rimates 8294 64 8358
1892 diraduck 8294 64 8358
1892 steelersrull 8212 64 8276
1892 knighthawk001 7881 64 7945
1892 BandMandAandA 7867 64 7931
1892 casi_82 7630 64 7694
1892 syl20d 7431 64 7495
1892 toan 7428 64 7492
1892 herb-n-jojo 7214 64 7278
1892 Youdad 7143 64 7207
1892 Kirsten2usa 7084 64 7148
1892 La Vista 6875 64 6939
1892 SeeKPeeKRs 6768 64 6832
1892 leebabydj 6671 64 6735
1892 massafranz 6657 64 6721
1892 Pedroolio 6630 64 6694
1892 Copaman 6471 64 6535
1892 goodlife 6130 64 6194
1892 kermitone 5964 64 6028
1892 Nicolas M. 5946 64 6010
1892 Toriaz 5759 64 5823
1892 Den Tutebatti 5661 64 5725
1892 Ginkgo Biloba 5551 64 5615
1892 abachmeier 5524 64 5588
1892 BigNoseTeam 5446 64 5510
1892 MrGrubstake 5337 64 5401
1892 Team D-M-G 5295 64 5359
1892 c-moll 5290 64 5354
1892 Team Warming 5240 64 5304
1892 Atomic Goats Breath 5101 64 5165
1892 MustangJoni 5093 64 5157
1892 Thrips 5069 64 5133
1892 pioletdefusta 4860 64 4924
1892 Explorer Scout 4553 64 4617
1892 Limpsfield Loafers 4374 64 4438
1892 tango501 4278 64 4342
1892 Fodtusserne 4249 64 4313
1892 fjbii 4190 64 4254
1892 takateru2008 4172 64 4236
1892 Sibbert 4159 64 4223
1892 Geo 4066 64 4130
1892 Vagabund 4044 64 4108
1892 psubrian 3940 64 4004
1892 kris walker 3931 64 3995
1892 kickin' 3905 64 3969
1892 ClimbGuy 3805 64 3869
1892 andiwudu 3616 64 3680
1892 Sevencards 3602 64 3666
1892 no-name 3415 64 3479
1892 jenhen 3399 64 3463
1892 team explorers 3287 64 3351
1892 FerVil 3246 64 3310
1892 Nicc from KS 3129 64 3193
1892 Onkel Ben 3124 64 3188
1892 CloudCraft 3091 64 3155
1892 Sensei TSKC 3065 64 3129
1892 JKRacing 2913 64 2977
1892 DubyaDee 2874 64 2938
1892 bobolu 2661 64 2725
1892 petr1868 2535 64 2599
1892 MicroWaveHunter 2468 64 2532
1892 jack of hearts 2463 64 2527
1892 miss mudslide 2307 64 2371
1892 OUTLAW70 2301 64 2365
1892 mollyjak 2288 64 2352
1892 sargenv 2201 64 2265
1892 GeeOCachers 2064 64 2128
1892 BloominFun! 1873 64 1937
1892 Team JNLE4 1804 64 1868
1892 Pirates of Shropshire - we luv hunting fa treasure 1771 64 1835
1892 Chops1314 1711 64 1775
1892 mmauvil 1638 64 1702
1892 Sportsters 1362 64 1426
1892 Piman314 1347 64 1411
1892 JJAC 1302 64 1366
2001 Aldokyl 67681 65 67746
2001 Tigerz 22012 65 22077
2001 Die Asbacher Bande 21146 65 21211
 No. Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
2001 purple_team 20579 65 20644
2001 Sequoia 19071 65 19136
2001 FreeSpirited1 16784 65 16849
2001 Sheesh695 16445 65 16510
2001 biffsjef 15168 65 15233
2001 C3GPS 14309 65 14374
2001 Geniteam 14101 65 14166
2001 firlefranz 13851 65 13916
2001 JustAlan 13474 65 13539
2001 GardenBeer 12847 65 12912
2001 Waldkatze 12335 65 12400
2001 Arvense 12122 65 12187
2001 leo van dyk 11818 65 11883
2001 shelrik 11801 65 11866
2001 TAMM4 11502 65 11567
2001 shalimargeosearchers 11391 65 11456
2001 cascadesclimber 11384 65 11449
2001 dkestrel 11152 65 11217
2001 EJ2007 11079 65 11144
2001 Gavriel 10639 65 10704
2001 Land of Lincoln 10538 65 10603
2001 sir dumil 10147 65 10212
2001 Junglemouth1 10143 65 10208
2001 TeamDirtyHolly 9961 65 10026
2001 darth_maul_3 9617 65 9682
2001 w01f 9541 65 9606
2001 TeamBnE 9419 65 9484
2001 Damvejen 9016 65 9081
2001 FLcrafters 8868 65 8933
2001 Mr.Jacobsen 8792 65 8857
2001 marienkäfer 8645 65 8710
2001 geoconsumer 8472 65 8537
2001 Mackvack 8447 65 8512
2001 mijojelweslandon 8416 65 8481
2001 JL826 8016 65 8081
2001 Team_5B 7949 65 8014
2001 Taurus1981 7754 65 7819
2001 rrota 7657 65 7722
2001 ** Anonymous ** 7623 65 7688
2001 mrschnuffel 7614 65 7679
2001 Team Bjerrum 7283 65 7348
2001 Eeee bi gum 7197 65 7262
2001 Bever.vw 6741 65 6806
2001 Miraculix84 6734 65 6799
2001 The Goonies 7 6660 65 6725
2001 mimandpap 6555 65 6620
2001 Elverhøj 6523 65 6588
2001 elbosco 6462 65 6527
2001 Captain Terror 6329 65 6394
2001 BeavTeam 6309 65 6374
2001 BirderBB 6299 65 6364
2001 USA87 6131 65 6196
2001 Imatreemonkey 6124 65 6189
2001 LelleRos 6111 65 6176
2001 Trang 6010 65 6075
2001 Fuzz Heads 5872 65 5937
2001 widdi 5836 65 5901
2001 tracker16 5692 65 5757
2001 MANLUND 5611 65 5676
2001 Niccet 5577 65 5642
2001 catomcat 5513 65 5578
2001 Night Hunter 5354 65 5419
2001 OnABoat 5308 65 5373
2001 Thompy8 5300 65 5365
2001 aramis144 5096 65 5161
2001 n7viv and DB 5057 65 5122
2001 TrkDoc 5054 65 5119
2001 JSGeo 5007 65 5072
2001 DukeOfURL01 4940 65 5005
2001 guinea gal 4929 65 4994
2001 Tangled two 4911 65 4976
2001 doglover&pups 4815 65 4880
2001 stars2108 4783 65 4848
2001 cachedin 4730 65 4795
2001 MaK_cz 4696 65 4761
2001 Balla & Silly 4606 65 4671
2001 4587 65 4652
2001 hjontemyra 4563 65 4628
2001 Lady Sotheby 4509 65 4574
2001 WRR 4429 65 4494
2001 TripCyclone 4272 65 4337
2001 Stoeckerloeperin 4264 65 4329
2001 Danie Viljoen 4148 65 4213
2001 Lakebum 4115 65 4180
2001 steffisburg 4089 65 4154
2001 Tealby 4026 65 4091
2001 Lag Pins 3981 65 4046
2001 Rim007 3880 65 3945
2001 AAA of MichigAn 3873 65 3938
2001 Scotsbob 3829 65 3894
2001 jeb532 3786 65 3851
2001 Shedir 3776 65 3841
2001 Fantastic 6 3770 65 3835
2001 Rosco Bookbinder 3735 65 3800
2001 OrionStarr* 3712 65 3777
2001 Zabadak 3598 65 3663
2001 hunter2010 3598 65 3663
2001 gsguru 3419 65 3484
2001 Ubear & Stinky 3410 65 3475
2001 ksmvav 3333 65 3398
2001 Metsähiipijä 3312 65 3377
2001 shantz_uk_&_cleverclogs 3225 65 3290
2001 irea85 3108 65 3173
2001 Team Greenspeed 3033 65 3098
2001 Sprocket1980 2944 65 3009
2001 mesurado 2820 65 2885
2001 gilliancclarke 2719 65 2784
2001 N9YBK 2655 65 2720
2001 TEAM TRIPPIN TIMMONS 2642 65 2707
2001 Ambrosia 2588 65 2653
2001 Munky & Sonsi 2548 65 2613
2001 Rambler_JA 2529 65 2594
2001 Tesaabroller 2451 65 2516
2001 Chameleon's Crew 2407 65 2472
2001 mr. bloodhound 2255 65 2320
2001 BakRdz 2152 65 2217
2001 BSAK07 2130 65 2195
2001 Harmony Baby 2122 65 2187
2001 jmthomps 2033 65 2098
2001 cw1710 1990 65 2055
2001 2knightriders 1832 65 1897
2001 camp637 1808 65 1873
2001 Pa_Bottle 1769 65 1834
2001 osunau 1701 65 1766
2001 THENANKS 1621 65 1686
2001 72CCT-ChE 1534 65 1599
2001 CacheMan&GeoGirl 1502 65 1567
2131 Dave w/o id 119027 66 119093
2131 J & K 44925 66 44991
2131 FrodoB 42587 66 42653
2131 adam 20252 66 20318
2131 Manelly 18435 66 18501
2131 D$r 17476 66 17542
2131 seedcorp 16630 66 16696
2131 CanadianRockies 16060 66 16126
2131 QuicVic 16047 66 16113
2131 ouaouaron 15872 66 15938
2131 lorantz 14980 66 15046
2131 Kuchenmops 14604 66 14670
2131 JoLoClMa 14195 66 14261
2131 Cama1812 12652 66 12718
2131 GoGoJo 12085 66 12151
2131 jurko1 11932 66 11998
2131 Kiersolvd 11774 66 11840
2131 tjm1706 11578 66 11644
2131 Ranger Dale 11397 66 11463
2131 jezci-sokolov 11360 66 11426
2131 tankgirrl 10613 66 10679
2131 cudlecub 10488 66 10554
2131 Lothorol 10372 66 10438
2131 HeKop 10229 66 10295
2131 Farmers-Family 9964 66 10030
2131 Mr Echo 9831 66 9897
2131 Tikibirds 9683 66 9749
2131 Thyme.DK 9602 66 9668
2131 omblo 9468 66 9534
2131 DePhogration 9392 66 9458
2131 jadefalcon 9252 66 9318
2131 Kanalhüpfer 9127 66 9193
2131 staciecro 8735 66 8801
2131 TeamMoehrke 8723 66 8789
2131 rikjaxon 8539 66 8605
2131 walk tall 8158 66 8224
2131 Team Bush-Rescue 7817 66 7883
2131 weeds19 7759 66 7825
2131 davee-n-cachincarrie 7478 66 7544
2131 billybobclaire 7374 66 7440
2131 kerrfamilySBD 7346 66 7412
2131 Twinlife 7156 66 7222
2131 draconis 7093 66 7159
2131 tucnak 7077 66 7143
2131 froggie25 6749 66 6815
2131 wolf4 6400 66 6466
2131 Gilliansage 6253 66 6319
2131 Tree Toad 6221 66 6287
2131 bjelle 6089 66 6155
2131 highrod 6064 66 6130
2131 SIPE 78 6056 66 6122
2131 capitanok9 6055 66 6121
2131 hartgeldnutte 5794 66 5860
2131 Rico & Fanny 5757 66 5823
2131 Steinweger 5610 66 5676
2131 *sunshine*** 5608 66 5674
2131 QSeekers 5603 66 5669
2131 schnor 5534 66 5600
2131 Ceolmhor 5511 66 5577
2131 Bayonets4u 5287 66 5353
2131 Galileo the cat 5132 66 5198
2131 Wakpa 4950 66 5016
2131 caughtatwork 4713 66 4779
2131 hcdv 4705 66 4771
2131 archaos 4660 66 4726
2131 esquimaux 4656 66 4722
2131 falconridge 4593 66 4659
2131 Loony Londo 4540 66 4606
2131 nicolo 4401 66 4467
2131 ochkarol 4326 66 4392
2131 Teuchters 4325 66 4391
2131 sunnyside7 4251 66 4317
2131 bubba42e 4243 66 4309
2131 Team SupeRare 4206 66 4272
2131 polskikrol 4038 66 4104
2131 TwoSleuths 4028 66 4094
2131 LucioleTenace 3948 66 4014
2131 EcuaDeb 3926 66 3992
2131 charliewhiskey 3912 66 3978
2131 KeyResults 3895 66 3961
2131 manu83 3783 66 3849
2131 delta4 3582 66 3648
2131 pytg 3456 66 3522
2131 mckeefamily8 3287 66 3353
2131 doingitoldschool 3244 66 3310
2131 Nova Man 3181 66 3247
2131 H + P 3160 66 3226
2131 Captain XJ 3107 66 3173
2131 GeoScavenger 3032 66 3098
2131 nolenator 2943 66 3009
2131 CodeJunkie 2864 66 2930
2131 muzzys 2669 66 2735
2131 BoltmanGang 2590 66 2656
2131 The clowns fly @ 3.. 2570 66 2636
2131 BLiTzKeGGe® 2358 66 2424
2131 DustyWalker 2354 66 2420
2131 cobraleader312 2283 66 2349
2131 I-R-S 2104 66 2170
2131 Mickey and Goofy 1792 66 1858
2131 Kirbert 1754 66 1820
2131 flo1982 1670 66 1736
2131 pieslicer 1653 66 1719
2131 FawRacing 1602 66 1668
2234 bonnie+clyde 31675 67 31742
2234 stevejwalford 22043 67 22110
2234 Mathy van de Laar 20047 67 20114
2234 Oldika 18989 67 19056
2234 Johnny_Boy_ 14085 67 14152
2234 Flory25 13331 67 13398
2234 Hr og Fru Danmark 11725 67 11792
2234 AJIGeo 11445 67 11512
2234 cougarcach24 11333 67 11400
2234 krauswaller 10781 67 10848
2234 not2b 10430 67 10497
2234 animjason 10312 67 10379
2234 HannahMar 10106 67 10173
2234 overanout 9909 67 9976
2234 KitKat54 9870 67 9937
2234 Froedo Bagginz 9488 67 9555
2234 t4e 9303 67 9370
2234 Oberlix 9291 67 9358
2234 The Orr Knights 9192 67 9259
2234 Emser Spitzbuben 9186 67 9253
2234 Imit42 9164 67 9231
2234 Tappara 9130 67 9197
2234 Brotherseldom 8422 67 8489
2234 baby&Mrs gopher 8305 67 8372
2234 wanderlust2000 8081 67 8148
2234 -SuMa- 7954 67 8021
2234 Homer Jay 7768 67 7835
2234 Gullivers Travels54 7732 67 7799
2234 Murazor 7592 67 7659
2234 follieus 7578 67 7645
2234 Thin Lizzy 7353 67 7420
2234 Zappy09 7177 67 7244
2234 krollenbol 7050 67 7117
2234 harthunter 6920 67 6987
2234 hatschi1961 6920 67 6987
2234 bigjim60 6786 67 6853
2234 Drf 6617 67 6684
2234 elliott150 6414 67 6481
2234 KE6MAE 6407 67 6474
2234 dachmh 6032 67 6099
2234 MC mulas team 5865 67 5932
2234 k5¢ents 5763 67 5830
2234 safarici 5578 67 5645
2234 mr.rewe 5546 67 5613
2234 CornDoll 5524 67 5591
2234 QTEEEE 5502 67 5569
2234 henry2830 5363 67 5430
2234 Swat. 5220 67 5287
2234 Cap'n Bill 5205 67 5272
2234 janko42 4794 67 4861
2234 norScot 4790 67 4857
2234 Hough_hunterz 4704 67 4771
2234 sg-redhot 4692 67 4759
2234 Ezdaz 4451 67 4518
2234 Saljebyn 4373 67 4440
2234 sleepysleuths 4178 67 4245
2234 Outback Caching 4144 67 4211
2234 FootpadUK 4142 67 4209
2234 NYhiker 4132 67 4199
2234 Ridler & Cmokica 4126 67 4193
2234 lowdollar 4014 67 4081
2234 Cruz Jr 4000 67 4067
2234 Piratas de Noa 3897 67 3964
2234 Airwolf26 3884 67 3951
2234 EFHutton 3832 67 3899
2234 nordreaker 3815 67 3882
2234 Masierite 3814 67 3881
2234 patrick.daddato 3772 67 3839
2234 Trollteamet 3738 67 3805
2234 RoterOktoberDiver 3509 67 3576
2234 Indy-Md 3495 67 3562
2234 Walkaboutlost 3434 67 3501
2234 Team Ndorfn 3324 67 3391
2234 PKseek 3239 67 3306
2234 climbstuff 3035 67 3102
2234 burtsbodgers 2976 67 3043
2234 Cayuga Crew 2951 67 3018
2234 Bushman007 2941 67 3008
2234 IJump 2922 67 2989
2234 Stonefaces 2916 67 2983
2234 Cheaters24 and Smalls 2760 67 2827
2234 therapaint 2664 67 2731
2234 Maleto 2407 67 2474
2234 Jellowasright 2345 67 2412
2234 scubachris53 2339 67 2406
2234 Lady Coot 2297 67 2364
2234 O2Boutside 2171 67 2238
2234 witkiewicz 2047 67 2114
2234 BOG BEARS 2043 67 2110
2234 turtle140 1846 67 1913
2234 Nana Bear 1633 67 1700
2234 Snuva 1575 67 1642
2234 klauberi 1552 67 1619
2234 finderofthingz 1528 67 1595
2234 engberg 1427 67 1494
2234 Runfrog 1367 67 1434
2234 Geofellas 1325 67 1392
2234 EastCoastNotWestCoast 1282 67 1349
2234 Frostitute 1248 67 1315
2333 sole seeker 61768 68 61836
2333 grandmabetsy 46009 68 46077
2333 divingbrothers 39000 68 39068
2333 KennyV 36303 68 36371
2333 tc54915 32986 68 33054
2333 speedwalkers 32117 68 32185
2333 Lorri-Ann & Kev 31500 68 31568
2333 greenwoodturner 27372 68 27440
2333 Swerker 26269 68 26337
2333 dbild 23479 68 23547
2333 Sonnyleo 23427 68 23495
2333 Cerberus 22676 68 22744
2333 fipsi 22014 68 22082
2333 peegeenine 21677 68 21745
2333 Ska Face 21075 68 21143
2333 pencoise 16305 68 16373
2333 Schlauwiner 15901 68 15969
2333 Buffypike 15758 68 15826
2333 Darlinsue 14655 68 14723
2333 HHL 13596 68 13664
2333 Kiwibirdman 12881 68 12949
2333 kaksi_oravaa 12740 68 12808
2333 Team-CC 10546 68 10614
2333 archie22 10490 68 10558
2333 bargee 10452 68 10520
2333 Lillisternchen 10159 68 10227
2333 Merpe 9678 68 9746
2333 Team Ferret 9190 68 9258
2333 jwheels1 9168 68 9236
2333 aeropat 9142 68 9210
2333 6-Pack 8893 68 8961
2333 FlusiRay 8715 68 8783
2333 OG&B 8609 68 8677
2333 Kflock 8478 68 8546
2333 8374 68 8442
2333 Fisherman77 8011 68 8079
2333 BraillerCD 7861 68 7929
2333 Helix19 7515 68 7583
2333 scareway 7490 68 7558
2333 ElliPirelli 7363 68 7431
2333 Ton&Ellen 7330 68 7398
2333 wildargs 7315 68 7383
2333 Charie 7232 68 7300
2333 looking4gems 7207 68 7275
2333 MyrHammar 7160 68 7228
2333 JERRYCAT 7053 68 7121
2333 Tollybrew 7026 68 7094
2333 Phys.Ed 6927 68 6995
2333 GeoLog81 6904 68 6972
2333 QK-N-EZ 6827 68 6895
2333 Albmi 6737 68 6805
2333 parko 6575 68 6643
2333 Seal Rock George 6500 68 6568
2333 fearthefish 6481 68 6549
2333 DeNillus 6422 68 6490
2333 jeanpupu 6372 68 6440
2333 Funcachers2 6249 68 6317
2333 Mieze6 6189 68 6257
2333 Kev W 6142 68 6210
2333 lovesreward 6023 68 6091
2333 robgso 5955 68 6023
2333 Bar Sinister 5891 68 5959
2333 Kinnasten 5886 68 5954
2333 CelticTykers 5829 68 5897
2333 Soilworker 5705 68 5773
2333 Schuleit 5628 68 5696
2333 Lefty & Bud 5600 68 5668
2333 Wetterputzer 5518 68 5586
2333 paverick 5446 68 5514
2333 wild wiggly beanz 5445 68 5513
2333 McFly&Princess 5363 68 5431
2333 Cooper&Anja 5278 68 5346
2333 baerlythebest 5063 68 5131
2333 vesole 4743 68 4811
2333 Piglet1 4587 68 4655
2333 Team AZMO 4562 68 4630
2333 Hubba66 4412 68 4480
2333 Pengy&Tigger 4277 68 4345
2333 TheRedSquirrel 4267 68 4335
2333 PQGeoTrekkers 4251 68 4319
2333 Zombie's 4205 68 4273
2333 GrizzFlyer 4088 68 4156
2333 Fundamental 3953 68 4021
2333 skyfox1884 3930 68 3998
2333 kodi&barney 3656 68 3724
2333 sleepy ghost 3484 68 3552
2333 NoNameX03 3334 68 3402
2333 Hike a Photo 3288 68 3356
2333 Greenthumb and Tweetie 3066 68 3134
2333 @spirou 3050 68 3118
2333 WaldenRun 3003 68 3071
2333 Wernberger 3002 68 3070
2333 wallacefamilysc 2903 68 2971
2333 STP Ron 2897 68 2965
2333 BigD51 2824 68 2892
2333 Patriote 2707 68 2775
2333 Jones_Crew 2683 68 2751
2333 Digi-Kai 2671 68 2739
2333 Roamingbull 2548 68 2616
2333 Die Teufelsengel 2483 68 2551
2333 boodlebuggy 2406 68 2474
2333 RoHu 2393 68 2461
2333 S-charm 2256 68 2324
2333 blasley 2230 68 2298
2333 Morgue 2189 68 2257
2333 Trafftoo 2178 68 2246
2333 BigJEd 2158 68 2226
2333 Schraddel 2127 68 2195
2333 CTYankee9 2105 68 2173
2333 Pilot 2074 68 2142
2333 woodysix8 2043 68 2111
2333 LaBamba 1957 68 2025
2333 Slowpitcher 1876 68 1944
2333 Blombit 1821 68 1889
2333 Highway Hikers 1520 68 1588
2448 louinliberty 42856 69 42925
2448 Portokeil 39114 69 39183
2448 Roostaman 23789 69 23858
2448 Kalebimskop 23741 69 23810
2448 acclanman 23700 69 23769
2448 SpoonThomas 23617 69 23686
2448 tabbikat 22417 69 22486
2448 y2kcompliant 21419 69 21488
2448 pairomedicchick 20261 69 20330
2448 Ninja Fairies 18799 69 18868
2448 aukue 17234 69 17303
2448 Bob Adams 15727 69 15796
2448 Å¡indy 15250 69 15319
2448 Glinus&Lady 15167 69 15236
2448 Jerking 13561 69 13630
2448 earthlight 13461 69 13530
2448 tripping 12999 69 13068
2448 jimmyg7929 12757 69 12826
2448 Manduar 12151 69 12220
2448 Chefkoch Dano 11885 69 11954
2448 piti07 11288 69 11357
2448 Lillangen 11210 69 11279
2448 Biegstra 10542 69 10611
2448 vasili1945 10253 69 10322
2448 badger4272 10155 69 10224
2448 68topcat 9838 69 9907
2448 The Huskies 9737 69 9806
2448 Pinki und Brain 9434 69 9503
2448 woodduck870 9414 69 9483
2448 rjbloom & co 9403 69 9472
2448 WanderTrainer 9119 69 9188
2448 Ionpaint 9020 69 9089
2448 parmachenee 8609 69 8678
2448 Chickowee 8505 69 8574
2448 DaToad 8355 69 8424
2448 cossu2 8042 69 8111
2448 PEARLWIND 7982 69 8051
2448 BrewmanPete+Shelly 7890 69 7959
2448 swr rat 7862 69 7931
2448 mousewiz 7468 69 7537
2448 edageyR 7419 69 7488
2448 brendan714 7298 69 7367
2448 7176 69 7245
2448 ComedyAddict 6856 69 6925
2448 Ratz und Ruebe 6789 69 6858
2448 TeamDomiii 6573 69 6642
2448 Dylan's Pirates 6363 69 6432
2448 X-rayViz 6253 69 6322
2448 Reallysquare 6196 69 6265
2448 PhunkyNipple 6026 69 6095
2448 DavidMac 5977 69 6046
2448 Messingaround 5916 69 5985
2448 dirtdobbers 5838 69 5907
2448 Love Cachers 5820 69 5889
2448 m-aus-r 5783 69 5852
2448 dukex1981 5732 69 5801
2448 mrsblueman 5650 69 5719
 No. Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
2448 Pelpolek 5523 69 5592
2448 Celtic Runners 5518 69 5587
2448 Kayaking Janet 5419 69 5488
2448 geowalkabout 5405 69 5474
2448 questing 5258 69 5327
2448 ks9wi 5166 69 5235
2448 IWillFindIt!! 4964 69 5033
2448 didibolle 4598 69 4667
2448 santclaus 4578 69 4647
2448 RuiJSDuarte 4317 69 4386
2448 Smokeypugs 4194 69 4263
2448 Dr.Joschel 4150 69 4219
2448 justgingernboyz 3827 69 3896
2448 CaligulaNZ 3820 69 3889
2448 Marinette 3611 69 3680
2448 isok2 3520 69 3589
2448 FamilyCacheFinders 3472 69 3541
2448 mcwomble 3128 69 3197
2448 gribbin 2691 69 2760
2448 woodwalker2006 2690 69 2759
2448 The SuzyQs 2682 69 2751
2448 venus de milo 2604 69 2673
2448 GBOTS 2401 69 2470
2448 scaredofbears 2374 69 2443
2448 2259 69 2328
2448 Cachnut 2081 69 2150
2448 RUJA-DK 2035 69 2104
2448 Single747&C2 1736 69 1805
2448 mommyfried 1442 69 1511
2448 Geo Bandits 1432 69 1501
2535 DK_Titan 34887 70 34957
2535 The Moor We Hunt... 29093 70 29163
2535 bthomas 25801 70 25871
2535 ED47 24805 70 24875
2535 Genius Loci 23993 70 24063
2535 Hexer123 17537 70 17607
2535 Marmotte 16802 70 16872
2535 YuGeo4 16431 70 16501
2535 Amedicus 15135 70 15205
2535 spuchtfink 14664 70 14734
2535 sniffadogz 14378 70 14448
2535 wisjanine 14229 70 14299
2535 DL1RX 13728 70 13798
2535 seekmuch 13452 70 13522
2535 littlepod 13347 70 13417
2535 alefran 13138 70 13208
2535 Simpson Clan 12627 70 12697
2535 ifindnix 12484 70 12554
2535 donwx 12094 70 12164
2535 LeGrandChrist 11607 70 11677
2535 Mudelpütze 11500 70 11570
2535 Borsti2255 11247 70 11317
2535 Gilocas 10354 70 10424
2535 ellamarie 9934 70 10004
2535 MinotRanger 9822 70 9892
2535 mr_roo 9591 70 9661
2535 Lord Cunning 9267 70 9337
2535 Hynr 9015 70 9085
2535 Ayrshirelass 8846 70 8916
2535 LahmeEnte 8421 70 8491
2535 missDimple-ArveAnd 8197 70 8267
2535 EntropyNH 8192 70 8262
2535 SirKarp 7863 70 7933
2535 kampfzwerg 7706 70 7776
2535 Kicken 6131 70 6201
2535 ralphmjw 6124 70 6194
2535 Risou 6066 70 6136
2535 Nohny 5677 70 5747
2535 filster27 5500 70 5570
2535 jpbb 5396 70 5466
2535 Team Divi Divi 5036 70 5106
2535 rigicache 4767 70 4837
2535 BICCachers 4729 70 4799
2535 Stockton seven 4482 70 4552
2535 FoxEcho 4311 70 4381
2535 SandysRangers 4057 70 4127
2535 4heberts 4056 70 4126
2535 jugglerjon 4052 70 4122
2535 zgrav 4011 70 4081
2535 Big Cat 3990 70 4060
2535 "The Bearclaws" 3686 70 3756
2535 Szampruch_Family 3631 70 3701
2535 Tomizak 3629 70 3699
2535 flatlogo 3490 70 3560
2535 Discombob 3270 70 3340
2535 Bad Majec 3168 70 3238
2535 Flimby 2899 70 2969
2535 Team MZFD 2867 70 2937
2535 Route67 2785 70 2855
2535 deft-travelers 2672 70 2742
2535 GeoKeiko 2393 70 2463
2535 DanNMatt 2385 70 2455
2535 kokoscoot 2365 70 2435
2535 legacypac 2346 70 2416
2535 ** Anonymous ** 2311 70 2381
2535 Sheepdog-OS 2220 70 2290
2535 usakiwi 2204 70 2274
2535 Suagrfoot 2188 70 2258
2535 BuzzTasman 2157 70 2227
2535 mopar73mopar 1998 70 2068
2535 TandT 1936 70 2006
2535 VinceHayter 1886 70 1956
2535 TGBear 1588 70 1658
2535 MichaelShafferFamily 1284 70 1354
2609 Pele53 33033 71 33104
2609 Wilxlii Carrotte 27036 71 27107
2609 Pinokkio 25636 71 25707
2609 CaptainPunkin 20716 71 20787
2609 kguppy 20482 71 20553
2609 Westie Walker 18134 71 18205
2609 urban vlo 17162 71 17233
2609 MTKEus 16667 71 16738
2609 Die Spürnasen XXL 14435 71 14506
2609 Söckchen 14096 71 14167
2609 manxrose 13654 71 13725
2609 Bédé 13113 71 13184
2609 BluebirdsGermany 12546 71 12617
2609 Stevensons a Searchin 12541 71 12612
2609 Fakari Mama 12305 71 12376
2609 690... 11186 71 11257
2609 Halfor 9824 71 9895
2609 smudge42 9518 71 9589
2609 TrainSPLOTer 9437 71 9508
2609 pauliklaus 9213 71 9284
2609 Spire67 9177 71 9248
2609 semik75 8905 71 8976
2609 DaveB77 8851 71 8922
2609 Hale-Storm 8435 71 8506
2609 Hawkeyeone 8256 71 8327
2609 gogo CZ 8203 71 8274
2609 GeaugaGarmin 8170 71 8241
2609 Fisty3 7937 71 8008
2609 scoutboy 7542 71 7613
2609 o-helios 7495 71 7566
2609 plainsdrifter358 7324 71 7395
2609 urch 7112 71 7183
2609 kbtiam 6764 71 6835
2609 SUV-Team 6732 71 6803
2609 bolda 6463 71 6534
2609 hollora 6421 71 6492
2609 A-Husky 6293 71 6364
2609 nihg 6278 71 6349
2609 Rangergirl141 6147 71 6218
2609 2_UP_Geologists 5875 71 5946
2609 FTACH 5836 71 5907
2609 motoleni 5788 71 5859
2609 Hgomsk 5714 71 5785
2609 piapotter 5564 71 5635
2609 leemc80 5468 71 5539
2609 mizdirection 5460 71 5531
2609 Steinrader 5359 71 5430
2609 TeamML 5329 71 5400
2609 Thlh2007 5291 71 5362
2609 gotwings 5187 71 5258
2609 icke2063 5176 71 5247
2609 Paneke 5118 71 5189
2609 TexasNick 5067 71 5138
2609 Gaurdturkey/TeamFLCG 5060 71 5131
2609 Redwdhiker 5000 71 5071
2609 Beentherefoundit 4925 71 4996
2609 TeamRR207 4837 71 4908
2609 bollweevil 4750 71 4821
2609 travisl 4684 71 4755
2609 geojammers 4674 71 4745
2609 Krawuzikabuzi 4625 71 4696
2609 FriCa 4388 71 4459
2609 purk 4303 71 4374
2609 twomax 4128 71 4199
2609 amarant 3987 71 4058
2609 TeamLegoTJL 3963 71 4034
2609 thisisace 3545 71 3616
2609 sylvantreasure 3456 71 3527
2609 Roadapple49 3373 71 3444
2609 binaryflow 3247 71 3318
2609 SweetSassyPants 3229 71 3300
2609 Maxinoha 3212 71 3283
2609 Fernando Rei 3053 71 3124
2609 Johnnygeo 2939 71 3010
2609 2tandogs 2769 71 2840
2609 the KC5's 2636 71 2707
2609 Happy Hunters SA 2605 71 2676
2609 r0b 2562 71 2633
2609 Lego Lover 2460 71 2531
2609 2bugs 2289 71 2360
2609 marcupio 2258 71 2329
2609 The Vaughans 2131 71 2202
2609 Imker 2128 71 2199
2609 Muddy Mae and Max Power 2113 71 2184
2609 GeoSlyCa 2060 71 2131
2609 Paddy Yenar 2054 71 2125
2609 Fuddley 2008 71 2079
2609 Cowpatty69 1999 71 2070
2609 DrJunior 1977 71 2048
2609 The Black Banjo 1933 71 2004
2609 Shade's Brigade 1927 71 1998
2609 wsgaskins 1674 71 1745
2609 blackjohnson 1622 71 1693
2609 Stumpy Stalker 1486 71 1557
2609 Team JumJum 1464 71 1535
2609 oleruns 1388 71 1459
2609 Landstedt 1321 71 1392
2706 qrang 57086 72 57158
2706 oakwilt 35395 72 35467
2706 ladycache 34453 72 34525
2706 jj77 32658 72 32730
2706 ussbuehler 23156 72 23228
2706 AD_Krusty 18386 72 18458
2706 Ladvanice 18126 72 18198
2706 antoncache 17360 72 17432
2706 DeltaMikeAlpha 15740 72 15812
2706 madbin 15411 72 15483
2706 cyclist81550 13015 72 13087
2706 vatvedt 13007 72 13079
2706 cacher_lou 12193 72 12265
2706 Grotprof 12060 72 12132
2706 lemomo 11986 72 12058
2706 jukis&prusak 11583 72 11655
2706 KDubs 11566 72 11638
2706 Two Tykes 11205 72 11277
2706 hihlow 10977 72 11049
2706 pee-paw + mee-maw 10654 72 10726
2706 Highpointer 10486 72 10558
2706 soolash 10334 72 10406
2706 Cuddlefish 10136 72 10208
2706 tsemclarney 10011 72 10083
2706 heujo 9988 72 10060
2706 castilla+tere 9026 72 9098
2706 camping4us 8821 72 8893
2706 Sycoscouter 7785 72 7857
2706 larsslc 7773 72 7845
2706 AlicTa 7503 72 7575
2706 Merstham Mafia 7492 72 7564
2706 crisb 7365 72 7437
2706 Chirpz 7332 72 7404
2706 Log Dawgs 7315 72 7387
2706 *BaJo* 6971 72 7043
2706 Trixie81 6727 72 6799
2706 GO Geiger 6643 72 6715
2706 Team Bacmac 6537 72 6609
2706 wallace & gromit 6295 72 6367
2706 luciofoz 6167 72 6239
2706 buttercup2 6037 72 6109
2706 BeckTrex 5912 72 5984
2706 TrekkingBaer 5725 72 5797
2706 rikidondon 5712 72 5784
2706 HopeWeFindIt 5599 72 5671
2706 LFC4eva 5571 72 5643
2706 StoneR. 5429 72 5501
2706 ry007 5347 72 5419
2706 Cat-in-the-hat 5132 72 5204
2706 crawburr 5006 72 5078
2706 GoBolts! 4867 72 4939
2706 Sunboy_hun 4535 72 4607
2706 LOUIS CIFER 4284 72 4356
2706 Bobby.Peru 4150 72 4222
2706 bfGigEm07 4039 72 4111
2706 chrisnic 3406 72 3478
2706 pws3 3394 72 3466
2706 Hilsrus 3363 72 3435
2706 Spikester1 3007 72 3079
2706 Hubbalino 3000 72 3072
2706 Portitzer 2990 72 3062
2706 Amulek 2975 72 3047
2706 FyrByrd 2565 72 2637
2706 macdonr 2410 72 2482
2706 Beluga 2391 72 2463
2706 B n K 2351 72 2423
2706 Kenneray 2310 72 2382
2706 W@lly 2272 72 2344
2706 Scouter Joe 2238 72 2310
2706 The Lion Man 2202 72 2274
2706 AZSTOMPER 2177 72 2249
2706 carlajean 2073 72 2145
2706 SBR555_JUN 2062 72 2134
2706 Green Achers 1928 72 2000
2706 buckmeadows 1728 72 1800
2706 cookie42 1477 72 1549
2706 2JMT 1413 72 1485
2706 chukkar 1380 72 1452
2784 nounie 35504 73 35577
2784 Twinx Two 24096 73 24169
2784 Phetlern 23674 73 23747
2784 slotti 22087 73 22160
2784 HFJohn 20438 73 20511
2784 Maxipimpf 20133 73 20206
2784 BackPak 18527 73 18600
2784 Nerre 16902 73 16975
2784 the jester & granny 16351 73 16424
2784 j2l67 15296 73 15369
2784 rtmyss 15257 73 15330
2784 ATMA 15181 73 15254
2784 pompidoe 13788 73 13861
2784 Woodpicker & Skipbo 13443 73 13516
2784 GoodBoy 12633 73 12706
2784 Butttercup 12527 73 12600
2784 rock&crystal 11771 73 11844
2784 ClauSchi 11308 73 11381
2784 KÃœB1 10968 73 11041
2784 kanchan 10544 73 10617
2784 StormHill 10512 73 10585
2784 Deuil&Data 10379 73 10452
2784 Mama-Tina 10238 73 10311
2784 Saman 9325 73 9398
2784 Ezap 9070 73 9143
2784 TheFranklin4 8888 73 8961
2784 bobinette 8829 73 8902
2784 Nurse 1 8595 73 8668
2784 mjp303 8157 73 8230
2784 Jetteråttan 8002 73 8075
2784 womadk 7974 73 8047
2784 tanwillo 7822 73 7895
2784 NakoTacoPatrol 6619 73 6692
2784 Moses 6530 73 6603
2784 SKSE 6437 73 6510
2784 Jeepers-gasfree 6375 73 6448
2784 TeamBrudvik 6018 73 6091
2784 at play by jc/eaglei 5814 73 5887
2784 badminton1597 5765 73 5838
2784 hebb 5615 73 5688
2784 andreasma 5447 73 5520
2784 The Chens 5212 73 5285
2784 Meister-Yoda 5108 73 5181
2784 team@ 5011 73 5084
2784 ChcknLdy 4883 73 4956
2784 Saxo-fun 4814 73 4887
2784 Bull&Tink 4663 73 4736
2784 John Wayne Pooch 4662 73 4735
2784 teslacoil#1 4604 73 4677
2784 dragonflys 4271 73 4344
2784 bitbrain 3996 73 4069
2784 TheChamp 3813 73 3886
2784 shwartle 3734 73 3807
2784 Jaol84 3723 73 3796
2784 Ifranipop 3510 73 3583
2784 Punga and Paua 3484 73 3557
2784 Eder-Ents 3389 73 3462
2784 dryfly & catch 3380 73 3453
2784 Zaboe 3333 73 3406
2784 tomcatATgod 3329 73 3402
2784 Thompa80 3260 73 3333
2784 The-DuHawks 3179 73 3252
2784 wyleone 3109 73 3182
2784 Just The Five Ds 3049 73 3122
2784 tower27 3038 73 3111
2784 RADDBUS 2958 73 3031
2784 Droo 2950 73 3023
2784 leegull1 2834 73 2907
2784 TurtleFan 2670 73 2743
2784 rider_fans 2637 73 2710
2784 morsix 2573 73 2646
2784 Tommy C 2487 73 2560
2784 B62GTAWK 2418 73 2491
2784 runawaylue & dan 2404 73 2477
2784 Vascodagama 2301 73 2374
2784 geohunter900 2203 73 2276
2784 Team_Hankey 2191 73 2264
2784 lebnurse 2047 73 2120
2784 Genoist 1991 73 2064
2784 WVangler 1984 73 2057
2784 nielsenc 1893 73 1966
2784 S10 1798 73 1871
2784 MrRogersNghbor 1615 73 1688
2784 amerkfan 1544 73 1617
2784 caribico 1362 73 1435
2784 2202 1344 73 1417
2784 Wooden Cyclist 1249 73 1322
2784 TyOcci 1210 73 1283
2872 busterbabes 30257 74 30331
2872 Ump35 & Bee 23665 74 23739
2872 Brummelbären 22568 74 22642
2872 Corvettekent 21790 74 21864
2872 BAREFOOT BEAR 20654 74 20728
2872 lilmaxhikenbike 18406 74 18480
2872 Eichsgenossen 17954 74 18028
2872 COpackrat 17543 74 17617
2872 et2728 16502 74 16576
2872 Wolli 16415 74 16489
2872 strongsRus 15172 74 15246
2872 MGowners 13634 74 13708
2872 kuerwaldus 11953 74 12027
2872 skramble 11907 74 11981
2872 losel2 11832 74 11906
2872 Blind Eagles 11756 74 11830
2872 Laura (no name) 11621 74 11695
2872 minimicha 11405 74 11479
2872 Team Nessa 10806 74 10880
2872 Galán 10596 74 10670
2872 Trevorsilk 10328 74 10402
2872 illinitrekker 10098 74 10172
2872 mom & pop 9823 74 9897
2872 pupen 9780 74 9854
2872 Psychoticjester 9326 74 9400
2872 maros251 9273 74 9347
2872 jdawg87 9240 74 9314
2872 TheBradfordRambler 8756 74 8830
2872 dakidali 8514 74 8588
2872 wallace&gromit 8308 74 8382
2872 Gjøltroldene 7982 74 8056
2872 waxwing454 7869 74 7943
2872 SearchinSwifts 7605 74 7679
2872 scottbike&waldfee 7365 74 7439
2872 Sandy Bandy 7133 74 7207
2872 Recycled Art Co 7089 74 7163
2872 geospyder 7056 74 7130
2872 Troll-rambo 7048 74 7122
2872 bytemobile 7008 74 7082
2872 Reetaville 7005 74 7079
2872 Grauer Star 6661 74 6735
2872 Betso 6315 74 6389
2872 SuperBee 6088 74 6162
2872 El Malo 5851 74 5925
2872 derWolli 5739 74 5813
2872 OHL Hockey Guy 5489 74 5563
2872 WantedDeadOrAlive 5466 74 5540
2872 Nerijus 5356 74 5430
2872 all hat 5248 74 5322
2872 Bounty Trackers 5074 74 5148
2872 Wolfsvater 5006 74 5080
2872 Chicca1 4958 74 5032
2872 WatchDOGSMike 4895 74 4969
2872 AusTrackers 4728 74 4802
2872 JeepinItReal 4722 74 4796
2872 family explorer 4508 74 4582
2872 The Mercury Project 4424 74 4498
2872 uws22 4421 74 4495
2872 AirEd 4391 74 4465
2872 n2books2 4334 74 4408
2872 pargada 4318 74 4392
2872 Shaker-slc 4220 74 4294
2872 Dutchman-IA 4099 74 4173
2872 Steve Brown 4051 74 4125
2872 100Dteam 3868 74 3942
2872 albopp 3497 74 3571
2872 redhatjudyh 3410 74 3484
2872 501_Gang 3370 74 3444
2872 dalonso 3338 74 3412
2872 The Worst Cacher 3298 74 3372
2872 lesplusf 3214 74 3288
2872 rmayben9 3106 74 3180
2872 marmal 3087 74 3161
2872 rockymtn8iv 3034 74 3108
2872 Special K. 2984 74 3058
2872 escipion 2773 74 2847
2872 -LOKE- 2768 74 2842
2872 Grandalf 2545 74 2619
2872 sandvika 2165 74 2239
2872 e_guru 1994 74 2068
2872 campwebb12 1763 74 1837
2872 RJ 1657 74 1731
2872 K2geokids 1560 74 1634
2872 mpaintball 1494 74 1568
2872 PUR24KARET 1423 74 1497
2872 el Jim 1391 74 1465
2872 bill&vi 1305 74 1379
2872 ClanDuncan 1290 74 1364
2960 oaknest 47161 75 47236
2960 wimseyguy 25366 75 25441
2960 Arkajalat 24255 75 24330
2960 Dorkteam6 18144 75 18219
2960 randy-lewis 18136 75 18211
2960 cache-amount 17272 75 17347
2960 kayce&fox 17206 75 17281
2960 karicka 16677 75 16752
2960 fhetter532 15615 75 15690
2960 vanislehunters 15223 75 15298
2960 RexC 14338 75 14413
2960 -helli- 14030 75 14105
2960 Mrs Zee 13571 75 13646
2960 Curious GEO 12460 75 12535
2960 Silvana 12090 75 12165
2960 crs98 11542 75 11617
2960 geric1 11039 75 11114
2960 Mr Holmes 10448 75 10523
2960 Frittenfett 10208 75 10283
2960 der Eifelaner 10048 75 10123
2960 JimmyM 9595 75 9670
2960 wearn3 9559 75 9634
2960 RagnaZ 9497 75 9572
2960 sailorscodgers 9177 75 9252
2960 PioAg 8764 75 8839
2960 Hokuri 8723 75 8798
2960 die_scheffs 8449 75 8524
2960 Mama Jane 8417 75 8492
2960 Mogontiacum 8241 75 8316
2960 ciklider 8184 75 8259
2960 lillyfelix 8061 75 8136
2960 1lollik 7710 75 7785
2960 Schooltch 7625 75 7700
2960 Maurerundco 7438 75 7513
2960 Bush Creatures 7304 75 7379
2960 Poparni 7292 75 7367
2960 Ormputt 6811 75 6886
2960 FiddleMad 6651 75 6726
2960 rippietoe 6564 75 6639
2960 bsterix 6535 75 6610
2960 Spring1 6528 75 6603
2960 Quadman 6500 75 6575
2960 JONASA 6476 75 6551
2960 two finders keepers 6107 75 6182
2960 DON'T PANIC 6100 75 6175
2960 famandi 6076 75 6151
 No. Geocacher Caches Found Caches Hidden * Total Caches *
2960 alainski 6075 75 6150
2960 Bananenbubikopf 5977 75 6052
2960 Captain Gore-tex 5967 75 6042
2960 mrxhill 5743 75 5818
2960 ~HideNseekers~ 5500 75 5575
2960 redheadsrule 5442 75 5517
2960 _c3_ 5270 75 5345
2960 Boatrs 5260 75 5335
2960 Team Three Boys 5002 75 5077
2960 Simi B's 4947 75 5022
2960 Vogtlandschreck 4937 75 5012
2960 72whalers 4849 75 4924
2960 tifred 4759 75 4834
2960 Team DeMoe 4641 75 4716
2960 snakeman911 4602 75 4677
2960 BilltheBear 4589 75 4664
2960 janigen 4587 75 4662
2960 explorer290 4535 75 4610
2960 Team Tatonka 4527 75 4602
2960 dogastus 4245 75 4320
2960 tpainter 4244 75 4319
2960 Lucky Strike 3759 75 3834
2960 Sommer 3694 75 3769
2960 roundnround we go 3437 75 3512
2960 GAM-BAM 3177 75 3252
2960 peiguy 3176 75 3251
2960 Too Tall John 2797 75 2872
2960 heysparkles 2787 75 2862
2960 white_shark 2710 75 2785
2960 OhioArmadillo 2687 75 2762
2960 Mufflon1 2620 75 2695
2960 PeterVZ1 2598 75 2673
2960 piratesovthecache 2507 75 2582
2960 Railroading 2109 75 2184
2960 UFBuilder 1840 75 1915
2960 ninjaguy 1821 75 1896
2960 HomerJFong 1708 75 1783
2960 Sanne-Allan 1672 75 1747
2960 TheGeoGoes 1273 75 1348
2960 skaven 1230 75 1305
2960 LoveYouAll 1224 75 1299
3047 Lima2311 22668 76 22744

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